Policies Updated
Policies last updated on 5/4/2023
Reservations made before this date fall under the previous policy
Policies last updated on 5/4/2023
Reservations made before this date fall under the previous policy
Paper Banners (hung from 2nd floor lounge steel railings)
Banner paper and markers are provided by the Collis Governing Board to create banners advertising recognized student organization and departmental events.
Recognized Dartmouth student organizations and College departments may post event advertisements on non-departmental bulletin boards and kiosks in the Collis Center and Robinson Hall.
Any materials posted that do not comply with the above policy will be removed.
The Collis Center is central to campus life at Dartmouth. Its location on the corner of the campus provides many opportunities for discussion and dialogue--both actively in programs and passively with posters, banners, and advertisements.
Recognizing Collis' role as Dartmouth's student center, the porch banner space may be reserved by departments, with the approval of the Director of the Collis Student Center, for the advertisement of significant institutional occasions for students. The banner dimensions are 9' wide by 11' high.
The Collis Student Center façade may be illuminated in recognition of the hard work of students and student organizations in hosting institutional events. For the façade of Collis to be lit, it must be in conjunction with an event taking place in the Center or is part of an institutional event involving the Center. The lighting of Collis occurs mostly during moments of celebration and community pride. For example, the Collis Student Center is lit during the Homecoming Bonfire in recognition of the first-year class council who coordinates the building of the bonfire.
The lighting of the Collis Student Center is at the discretion of the director of the Collis Student Center, in consultation with the Collis Governing Board.