Purchase Card Request
- Use for purchases under $2,499; supplies and equipment from local or online stores, local restaurant takeout or delivery, catering (Approved Food Providers), printing, gifts/gift cards.
- Cannot be used for dine-in meals, alcohol, or travel, except for Dartmouth Coach and any of the chartered bus companies on Dartmouth's preferred vendor list. Go to this link and select the Category "Bus Charter Service: Coach/School" to see the preferred vendor list and contact information for each company.
- Complete P-card Policy
- Deadline: request by 1 p.m., one business day ahead.
Business Expense Reimbursement Request
- Use to reimburse for all out-of-pocket expenses.
- Complete all information on the form and attach itemized/detailed receipts.
Cash Prize Request
- Requesting cash prizes for current Dartmouth students only.
Charitable Donation
- Use this form to request a donation check to a charity.
- Funds for this check must come from verifiable profits from a fundraiser.
Check To Vendor Request
- Use when requesting a check to an outside vendor.
- Include an invoice from the vendor and submit as soon as possible.
Corporate Sponsorship
- If your organization wishes to seek or accept corporate sponsorship, submit this form to start the approval process.
- Organizations will be asked to provide information about the amount they hope to raise, names of corporations and contacts therein, and nature of the event/activity.
- Additional guidelines can be found here: Accepting Donations: Corporate Sponsorship Policy For Student Organizations
Current Dartmouth Student, Hourly Payment
Payments to students must be paid through Payroll, which requires the student's I-9 form to be on file with the College in advance of beginning work. The I-9 form can be completed at the Payroll or HR Offices located at 7 Lebanon Street.
Hourly payments are used when hours worked can be tracked and confirmed.
Current Dartmouth Student, Lump Sum Payment
Payments to students must be paid through Payroll, which requires the student's I-9 form to be on file with the College in advance of beginning work. The I-9 form can be completed at the Payroll or HR Offices located at 7 Lebanon Street.
If the work performed meets either of the following criteria, a payroll "lump sum" payment may be possible:
- Student Artist/Designer: Web/Graphic Designer, Artist, photographer, videographer
- Student Performer: DJ, Dancer, Musician, Comedian, Emcee
Current Dartmouth Employee, Payment
- Use to pay a Dartmouth employee for a performance or "other" service.
DA$H Sheets For Collis Organizations
- Use this to record nine-digit DA$H numbers at fundraising events.
Deposit Slip for Checks ![]()
- Bring checks designated for your organization to Collis 211G preferably on the same business day received, but no later than 2 business days after receipt.
- NOTE: Cash is no longer being accepted by the Cashier's Office. If you have cash, you should take it to the local post office, up to $1,000, and purchase a money order (for a small fee, less than $5). The money order can then be deposited in the same manner as checks.
Funding Verification Form
- Use to provide proof of pending funds from non-COSO sources.
Gift and Gift Card Recipient Report
- Use this to report recipient of gifts (tangible items) or gift valued at $50 or more.
Governing Boards Co-Sponsorship Funding Transfer Request
- This form can be used by Programming Board, Collis Governing Board, Student Government, and SPEC.
- Fill out this form to allow transfer of money from your account to the organization being funded
Honorarium Acceptance Form
- To be used with the Unaffiliated Honorarium Request to pay an individual, not affiliated with Dartmouth College, for a service (not a performance) that is normally rendered without charge and is a one-time payment.
Independent Contractor - Contract Request Information
- To be used with the Unaffiliated Contracted Service form when paying an individual, not affiliated with Dartmouth College, for a professional service (not a performance) of more than $5,000 annually.
Internal Funds Transfer Request
- Use this form to move funds from your organization's account to another Dartmouth account (either a Dartmouth department or a recognized student organization).
Limited Engagement Agreement
- To be used with the Unaffiliated Contracted Service form when paying an individual, not affiliated with Dartmouth College, for a professional service (not a performance) of $5,000 or less annually.
- This form agreement is not designed for engagements that involve the creation of copyrighted work (such as freelance artists, photographers, videographers, illustrators, or writers). Use the Limited "Work Made for Hire" Agreement.
- To be used with the Unaffiliated Contracted Service form when paying an individual, not affiliated with the College, for a professional service (not a performance) involving the creation of copyrighted work (such as freelance artists, photographers, videographers, illustrators, and writers) of $5,000 or less annually.
Office Supplies Order Form ![]()
- Use to order office supplies for your organization.
Payables Advance Request
- Use for meals in restaurants, travel, alcohol, meal allowances/buyouts for a band, etc.
- Advances will be provided through the primary payment method of the student, be it direct deposit, electronic payment, or check payable to the responsible person.
- Request at least five (5) business days ahead, as advances will be paid out only on Wednesday's (so once a week).
Performance Contract - Contract Request Information
- To be used with the Unaffiliated Performer form when paying a person, not affiliated with Dartmouth, for a performance.
Purchase Order Request
- Use when a purchase order is required by a vendor before service or product will be provided.
- Include the official quote from the vendor.
- Submit as soon as possible upon receipt of quote.
Purchasing Movie Rights
- When showing a movie on campus (any showing that is not in your home or dorm room) you must purchase the 'screening rights' for the film from the distributing company.
Tour Manager Receipt
- Used to record meal allowances/buyouts for performers.
Travel Contact Information
- Our emergency procedures require that we keep information on student organization out-of-town trips, so we can contact you in the event of an emergency.
- ALL travel must be reported prior to departure using this form. Failure to do so could result in loss of group privileges and/or reimbursement for group travel expenses.
Travel Credit Card
- The travel card is used primarily for making hotel reservations. The travel card cannot leave our office.
Travel Office Authorization
- Before you contact Travel Leaders to make reservations for airfare, the Student Involvement office needs to provide them with advance notice that you will be contacting them and that you are authorized to make travel arrangements. Send us the information so we can forward it to Travel Leaders for you.
Unaffiliated Contracted Service
Unaffiliated PerformerUse to pay a person, not affiliated with Dartmouth, for a performance.