Reproductive & Sexual Health

Reproductive & Sexual Health Resources

It's important to take care of your sexual health just as you would any other part of you. If you are sexually active - or just thinking about it -  be informed.  If you have questions about how Here are links to our most sought-after information.  If you don't find your answers here, schedule a confidential appointment with Health Services.

Dartmouth & External Resources

  • Sexual Respect at Dartmouth offers resources on and off campus and provides information on our campus policies and ways to get involved.
  • You Have Options Program at Hanover Police Department allows anonymous on-line reporting of sexual violence and provides additional information about reporting options and supports. 
  • is a terrific resource on birth control and STIs and will help set up personal reminders for birth control and appointments.
  • Go Ask Alice is an excellent question and answer site from Columbia University's Health Promotion Program; addresses topics such as sexual health, relationships, and sexuality.
  • Planned Parenthood  provides information about specific topics such as birth control, pregnancy, emergency contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, and women's health.