The Counseling Center is dedicated to assisting students on how to cope with and manage feelings that can interfere with academic and social life at Dartmouth.
Feelings such as anxiety about the future, self-blame, internalization of negative identity, anger, or feelings related to losing your sense of belonging can be discussed with a counselor during an appointment at the Counseling Center.
To schedule an appointment, please call the Counseling Center at (603) 646-9442 or stop by the Counseling Center located on the 2nd floor of Dick's House. During your initial appointment, you are free to discuss any concerns about your adjustment to campus or conflicts back at home.
Counseling is confidential and your undocumented status will not be included in our counseling records. We do not share information about students seeking help at the Counseling Center with anyone without written permission. Exceptions to confidentiality are rare and specifically mandated by law and professional ethics. For further information, please see Confidentiality & Release of Information.