Health Service Student Portal

Health Service Student Portal

All entering Dartmouth students have pre-arrival health and immunization requirements that must be completed prior to the start of their first term at Dartmouth. These requirements are completed through a series of on-line forms available within the Health Service Student Portal. The Portal can also be access through a link on DartHub.

Once you begin classes the Health Service Portal also offers the following:

· Portal Home:  Messages and important Health Service information.

· Profile:  Verify your personal information and enter your cell phone data to receive appointment reminders.

· Appointments:  Schedule Health Service Primary Care medical appointments and Counseling triage appointments.

· Handouts:  Providers often want to provide patients with additional information through a handout, this is where students would be able to access this information.

· Message:  Message with Health Service staff over a secure connection. 

· Letters:  Providers can place letters here for students to access. 

· Forms:  Incoming pre-arrival required medical forms.

· Survey Forms:  Occasionally, the Health Service staff will forward a survey for students to complete. 

· Immunizations:  Print a copy of your immunization record.

· Log Out:  Be sure to log out of the portal once you have finished within it to protect your privacy.  The portal will automatically log you out after a few minutes of non use if you forget. 


PLEASE BE AWARE, the health service student portal contains your confidential personal information.  Sharing your password will allow those you share it with access to this information.  


Unable to log into the portal?  Contact one of the following.

Patient Accounts Office


Health Service Information Technology Office


Health Service Portal Instructions

The Health Service portal allows you access to many things in regard to your health care.  Below are instructions for some of the functions in the portal. 

  • Uploading a copy of your insurance card.  Having this information available is important, especially when prior authorizations are required.