Health Access Fee FAQ
- Who must pay the fee?
All enrolled students/degree candidates, including:
- Undergraduate students
- MALS students
- Graduate students in the Arts and Sciences
- Thayer, Tuck and DMS graduate and professional students
- Who doesn't have to pay the fee?
- Part time students
- Leave/Off term students
- If I don't use the Health Service, can the fee be waived?
No. This fee is not a user fee. The College assesses it on all enrolled students to help share the cost of supporting access to on-campus health care. Charging a fee for service could discourage many students from accessing needed care and could place a substantial burden on students who become ill or injured.
- I am receiving financial aid. Will it cover the Health Access Fee?
As a mandatory fee, the cost will be included in the costs of attendance used to calculate individual financial aid awards. Consult with the Financial Aid Office of your school to determine how this may specifically impact you.
- I have health insurance. Do I still have to pay the fee?
Yes. The Health Access Fee supports the College's ability to continue to provide on-campus health care services through the use of general funds. You need your health insurance to cover the cost of health care services you receive from off-campus providers. Your insurance costs through the Dartmouth College Student Group Health Plan or other insurance providers are separate from the Health Access Fee assessed by the College to support on-campus health care at Dick's House.
- How will the Health Access Fee be billed?
The fee will appear on the bill for each term of enrollment.