Commitment to Diversity

Counseling Center Diversity Mission Statement

As an extension of Dartmouth Student Health Service, the Counseling Center staff is committed to providing inclusive, culturally sensitive, quality healthcare to our diverse student population. We adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists, the National Association of Social Workers Ethics of Cultural Awareness and Social Diversity, the American Psychiatric Association Principle of Individual and Cultural Sensitivity, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as to the Dartmouth College Health Services guidelines to ensure that all employees strive to increase awareness and engage in ongoing training and dialogue about issues related to diversity and multiculturalism, including but not limited to: race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, age, ability, and adoption. 

The overall mission of the Counseling Center Diversity Committee is to provide inclusive and affirmative care for all students that carefully considers the ways in which culture and identity affect psychological wellbeing. Through ongoing reflection and education, our committee recognizes that multicultural competence is an ongoing and evolving ideal. To this end, we provide our staff with opportunities for continuous education and reflection to further our abilities to support both students and staff who are disproportionately affected by experiences of oppression and marginalization. We also develop and implement initiatives and programming, in collaboration with other campus entities with the goal of ensuring that the Dartmouth Community is an environment that embraces inclusivity and social justice.

Consultation and Multicultural Services

We value the uniqueness and diversity of all students.  We are dedicated to creating an environment where all students feel welcome.

Cultural competence in the delivery of services is important to the psychological well-being of all students. Each student's identity is influenced by many factors - family upbringing, religion, race, gender and sexual orientation.  Since many of these identities are learned early in life, they work as a lens for interpreting, understanding, experiencing and participating in the world as well as a way of connecting with an identifying with others.  All Counseling Center counselors strive to obtain an understanding of the ways in which these experiences may relate to a student's presenting concerns.