Meetings & Membership


For 24X, SPEC meets on Wednesday afternoons. We do our best to accommodate all proposals on the Wednesday following submission, but if we receive a large number of proposals, we may defer you a week to allow ample time for each proposal to present. If your group submitted a complete proposal by Friday at noon, you will be contacted by SPEC with a time to present your proposal. Friday at noon is a firm deadline. If your proposal is submitted after the deadline, you will not be able to present for the coming week. 

SPEC Membership consists of:

  • 2 Co-Chairs
  • 8 voting members from each of the organizations represented on the Undergraduate Finance Committee (UFC)
  • At least 4 at-large voting members selected termly by application
  • The advisor, Natalie Kittikul – Associate Director for Student Involvement

UFC representatives are chosen internally by each respective organization. SPEC recommends that each organization elects its treasurer to serve as SPEC representative. The 8 UFC organizations are: Student Assembly, Class Council, COSO, Programming Board, DOC, Club Sports, GLC, and CGB.

At-large representatives are chosen by application. Applications are emailed out to campus at or before the start of every term.

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  • Co-Chairs: Hannah Shariff '25 & Jack Coleman '26
  • Advisor: Natalie Kittikul, Associate Director of Student Involvement