Monica Dunn MS, RD, LD is a Registered Dietitian in Primary Care at Dick's House. A native of California's Bay Area, she has traveled throughout the US for her education and has recently settled in New Hampshire. She has a Master's Degree in kinesiology with a concentration in sports and exercise psychology and a Bachelor's of Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. She researched the racial and ethnic disparities of body image dissatisfaction in college-aged women and was awarded third place at the Southeast ACSM conference for research on the new Fit Ideal Internalization measure. She completed her dietetic internship at Mississippi State University with a concentration in sports nutrition and eating disorders. She is a lecturer at Plymouth state University teaching courses in health and applied nutrition. She enjoys long walks, participating in half-marathon races, journaling, exploring new coffee shops & discovering new ice cream stands in New Hampshire.
Carly Orlacchio RDN, LDN is a Registered Dietitian with a degree in nutrition from the University of New Hampshire. She focuses on nutrition support for varsity athletes. She completed her dietetic internship at Montana State University. She enjoys hiking with her dog, skiing and fresh sourdough bread!
You can book an appointment with Monica online through your health portal, or by calling the appointment office at 603-646-9401. Athletes can book appointments with Carly through Sports Medicine.
Nutritional Wellness and Eating Concerns
If you are seeking information and guidance about your dietary needs or if your relationship with food and body image is negatively impacting your health you may schedule an appointment with any of our providers by calling 603-646-9401.
Dartmouth Student Health Service also offers a multidisciplinary Nutritional Wellness Team to help support students with ongoing nutritional concerns.