2024 Sexual Assault Action Month
Hosted by the Student & Presidential Committee on Sexual Assault (SPCSA), April is Sexual Assault Action Month. Each one of us has the ability to take action and create a safe campus community free from violence. Below is a calendar of events and ways that you can take action. Click the event links for more information!
April 1, 7pm @ Dartmouth Hall: Candlelight Vigil (open to public)
Join SPCSA in showing solidarity with survivors of sexual violence at Dartmouth.
- Now thru April 11 - SVPP Sophomore Training Power, Equity, & Belonging 2
'26s go to the SVP Portal via Darthub to register for a session.
- April 3 - 18 - SVPP First-Year Training Power, Equity & Belonging 1
'27s go to the SVP Portal via Darthub to register for a session.
- April 5, 3-5pm @ Collis Common Ground: SPCSA Annual Symposium, featuring President Beilock and Dr. Garcia (open to public)
Hear from President Beilock, Dr. Garcia, and a panel of student leaders, staff, and administrators abour Dartmouth's efforts to end sexual violence. Boba and Lou's provided.
- April 15, all day @ Novack Cafe in Baker/Berry Library: Bake Sale Fundraiser for WISE (open to public)
- April 17, 12-1pm Lunch & Learn for Dartmouth Staff and Faculty: Dartmouth's Sexual Violence Prevention Project.
Register here (lunch provided) for a session by Amanda Childress and Ben Bradley from the Student Wellness Center that will highlight Dartmouth's prevention strategy, current progress, student engagement, research endeavors, and collaborative opportunities.
- April 21 - May 2 - SVPP Sophomore Training Resources & Support 2
'26s go to the SVP Portal via Darthub to register for a session.
- April 24, all day: Denim Day (for all)
Wear denim to show support for survivors.
- April 28, 10am – 1pm @ Gold Coast Lawn: Inaugural 5K Run/1mi Walk Fundraiser for WISE Register here.
Join us for our inaugural SAAM 5K and help us fundraise for WISE. Food, live bands, and merchandise will be provided.
For questions or more information email SPCSA@dartmouth.edu or check SPCSA out on Instagram. If you have an event you'd like to add to the calendar, please email SWC@Dartmouth.edu.