Health & Wellness Data and Reports
To equip the Dartmouth community to enact positive, data-driven change, below are a variety of reports and data related to the health and wellness of our students and our campus. These data and reports are collected, compiled, and created by various departments across campus and in most cases involve a tremendous amount of collaborative partnership.
Dartmouth Health Survey
The Dartmouth Health Survey asks questions regarding general health; personal safety including sexual, physical and relationship violence; alcohol and other drugs; sexual health; weight, exercise and nutrition; mental health; health and academic performance; and health and student life. This report presents key findings by section, including Dartmouth trends over time as well as National College Health Assessment (NCHA) comparisons, where applicable.
Dartmouth Undergraduate Student Alcohol Intoxication Incident Data
The SWC works with Dartmouth Health Services, the Department of Safety and Security, the Office of Community Standards & Accountability, and the Office of Residential Life to collect and report out undergraduate alcohol-incident data on a termly and annual basis.
Academic Year Report
Academic Year July-June 2012-2024
Termly Comparisons
September-December 2011-2024
Dartmouth Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Data
The 2021 and 2017 Dartmouth Sexual Misconduct Surveys are follow-ups to the 2015 Association of American Universities (AAU) Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct. These surveys are an integral part of our ongoing effort, highlighted by the Moving Dartmouth Forward plan launched by President Philip Hanlon in January 2015, to understand the extent and effects of sexual violence among our student populations and use the data to inform our policies, prevention, and response.
Campus Safety
The Annual Security Report documents three calendar years of campus crime and fire statistics that occurred on-campus, in off-campus buildings or properties owned or controlled by Dartmouth College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus. The Annual Security Report also includes institutional policy statements about campus security; crime prevention and education programs, including those focused on sexual assault awareness; the reporting of crimes; and other safety and security matters.