Wellness Education Credits

Registration required in Darthub

ASC and SWC Wellness Sampler for Wellness Education/ Physical Education Credit

Pick 12 or more of the listed experiences from the Student Wellness Center and Academic Skills Center to boost your wellbeing to gain a PE/WE Credit!

Dartmouth students have the opportunity to earn a Wellness Education Credit (formerly Physical Education Credit) through participating in and reflecting on 12 offerings from the SWC over the course of a term. Students must register for the course on Darthub using CRN 92651 (Fall 24) before beginning their participation. Participation is managed through a checklist in Dartmouth Groups in the SWC group. The first required class meeting is Friday, Sept 20 at 12:00-12:45pm or Tuesday, September 24 from 1pm-1:45pm (SWC Conference room). A final orientation meeting is Friday, Sept 27 at 12:00-12:45pm in the same location. **If you're registered for the Credit, please attend one of these meetings or email christiana@dartmouth.edu if you cannot make it due to a class conflict or other conflict.

Detailed instructions for fulfilling the requirement for each offering will be in Dartmouth Groups. The Sampler offerings are highlighted below.


Additional WE Credit offerings through the SWC


Foundations of Mindfulness: Wednesdays 3:30-4:45pm September 25 to November 13, 2024.

Register with CRN 92581.

The 8 weeks of Foundations of Mindfulness are a unique, experiential opportunity for students to ground themselves in contemporary mindfulness practices. Students will learn 12 different practices that include elements of mindfulness-meditation, breathwork, silent retreat, mindful movement and guided visualization rooted in evidence-based programs like Mindfulness for Emerging Adults and iRest Yoga Nidra. The key goal of this course is to learn and embody tools that cultivate greater self-awareness, self-regulation and resilience. Students will also understand the cultural roots of various techniques and develop a customized routine for deepening their personal practice.