Wellness Education Credits

WE Credit offerings through the SWC

iRest Yoga Nidra & Reflective Journaling - Thursdays 4:30pm - 5:15pm

Register through Darthub with CRN 11959. CLASS FULL.
The iRest Yoga Nidra wellness course is an 8-week meditation program (with a required orientation session: January 9, 4:30-5:30 in Berry 178B--the SWC/ASC Conference Room) created by psychologist and yogi, Dr. Richard Miller, based on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra.  iRest was adapted to Western psychology and neuroscience and has been used as a mindfulness intervention that decreases stress and depression for many populations. Each class will focus on a different iRest skill from body scans to embracing opposing emotions. Students have the opportunity to learn about the skill, practice in class, and then are given audio resources to practice at home. To enrich their practice, students will be assigned brief readings, associated worksheets, and will fill out meditation logs to record and reflect on their at-home practice.  Register through Darthub with CRN 11959 and complete this form. PLEASE plan to attend required orientation session: Thursday, January 9, 4:30-5:30pm in Berry 178B--the SWC/ASC Conference Room.

MHU Peer Support Training: Fridays 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Register through Darthub with CRN 11958 and complete the MHU application form by Dec 23.

The Peer Support Training program is designed to train students in becoming effective, active mental health bystanders. Through a series of eight in-person training sessions with subject matter experts (Dartmouth Staff members), the training will develop a multidimensional understanding of factors supporting the wellbeing and mental health of students on college campuses. By the end of the course, Peer Supporters are trained empathetic listeners who are well versed with resources on campus and can direct fellow students to resources as required. 
Interested Students also need to fill out additional application via: 25W MHU Peer Support Volunteer Application More information here: https://journeys.dartmouth.edu/mentalhealthunion/peer-support/ 

Registration required in Darthub

ASC and SWC Wellness Sampler for Wellness Education/ Physical Education Credit

Pick 12 or more of the listed experiences from the Student Wellness Center and Academic Skills Center to boost your wellbeing to gain a PE/WE Credit!

Dartmouth students have the opportunity to earn a Wellness Education Credit (formerly Physical Education Credit) through participating in and reflecting on 12 offerings from the SWC over the course of a term. Students must register for the course on Darthub using CRN 31949 (Spring 25) before beginning their participation. Participation is managed through a checklist in Dartmouth Groups in the SWC group.

The first required class meeting is an orientation** to the sampler, held in the SWC/ASC Conference Room, Berry 178B. Please choose a time that works best for you:

Thursday, April 3 12:15-1:00pm

Friday, April 4 9:00-9:45am

Tuesday, April 8 1:00-1:45pm

 **If you're registered for the Credit, please attend one of these meetings or email christiana@dartmouth.edu if you cannot make it due to a class conflict or other conflict.

Detailed instructions for fulfilling the requirement for each offering will be in Dartmouth Groups. The Sampler offerings are highlighted below.