SWC Wellbeing Themes

Foundational Ideas for Wellbeing

SWC Wellbeing Themes

Summer 2024

The Power of Quiet Reflection

This summer's theme is about reflecting on the many ways we exercise power and agency from something as simple as pausing. Within pause lies the freedom to create space, to respond instead of react, and reflect on the best direction going forward. What we do in pause matters. Pausing can be as little as a few seconds or as long a day, a week, or more of intentional recess. In that time, we can notice thoughts, emotions, and pathways for presence at any given moment. We can identify ours and others' power and make the right choice in a challenging situation. We can prioritize rest, relaxation, and play. However pause looks like for you this summer, know that we regain control of any moment or period when we stop to reflect and move forward with intention. We might even be able to connect with our long-term goals and life's purpose.

For more on this theme, check out our SWC Reflections Blog every week, and stay tuned to our weekly newsletter and Insta account for weekly resources, tips, and reflections.


Wellbeing Practices to Guide Your Pause

Meditation: Six-minute STOP practice


Take 2-3 Deep Breaths



STOP Meditation - 6-Minute by Dartmouth Student Wellness Center


Movement -Try out our 10-minute gentle, yet strong, chair yoga practice!  

Review an article on solitude by a fellow Dartmouth student

Journaling Prompts


SWC Journaling Prompts Image

Use these journaling prompts, based on our SWC Wellbeing Themes, as a way to pause and reflect on your past journey, present focus, and future intentions. Integrate these into a journaling practice or simply pause to consider your responses. Journaling Prompts

SWC Reflections

SWC Wellbeing Intern Armita Mirkarimi talks with Summer Term students.