Rosie, from Therapy Dogs of VT, holds regular office hours in the SWC!
Therapy Dogs of Vermont visit campus to meet students.
Students get some puppy-love from Momo Mochi, a five pound maltizu, who frequents the Student Wellness Center.

Wednesdays, beginning January 15 through end of February, from 5-6pm.
Thursday, January 16 and Mondays, January 27, February 17 and March 3 from 5pm-5:45pm
Tuesdays, beginning February 18, from 6 to 6:45pm.
We partner with Therapy Dogs of Vermont and Caring Animal Partners to bring certified therapy dogs to campus to visit with students. Throughout the term, students get to hang out with Rosie, a sweet and gentle Goldendoodle, and Poppy, an adorable Golden Retriever, who love nothing more than spending quality time being pet by students! Ellie, an energetic Golden Retriever, is the newest therapy dog to join us.
If you're interested in bringing a certified therapy dog to your on-campus event, we recommend you contact Therapy Dogs of Vermont or Caring Animal Partners directly.