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Ability to manage your prescriptions anytime, anywhere.

With our mobile pharmacy app, you will have...

  • A list of your current and past prescriptions in your pocket for refills!
  • Customizable reminders, so you never miss a dose!
  • Ability to track the status of your refills and know when they are ready!
  • Have a list of your prescribers' information on hand!

To see all the perks our app has to offer, simply scan the QR code below or click here

QR Code


Medication Take-Back Program

Dick Hall's House Pharmacy has a convenient medication take-back program that makes it easy to dispose of your unused, unwanted, or expired medications! The collection receptacle is accessible in the Pharmacy at Dick Hall's House at 5 Rope Ferry Road during regular business hours.

Please note the following items are not accepted:

  • Inhalers
  • Liquids/Lotions
  • Needles
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Thermometers
  • Class I or Illegal Drugs


Infographic detailing what's accepted and not accpected in the medication take-back program.
Improper disposal and diversion of unused drugs can lead to the contamination of water or opioid misuse by a friend or family member.