How to Waive DSGHP

2025-2026 Insurance Waiver Information Coming Soon

Waiver Information

GALLAGHER STUDENT HEALTH WAIVER SUBMISSION WEBSITE WILL BE OPENED ON MAY 24, 2024. Students will receive an email from the DSGHP office, as well as from Gallagher Student Health (to their Dartmouth email address), when the waiver is available to them individually. 

If an email has not been received by 6/9/24, please send the DSGHP office an email at letting them know, so they are able to update anything needed to make sure you are able to access the waiver system before the deadlines (see "24 – 25 Dartmouth Waiver Deadlines and Fees" below). 

PLEASE NOTE: If your email address is changing, or has been changed, due to leaving or graduating from one school at Dartmouth and attending another, please contact the DSGHP office for assistance, as this may affect your ability to log into the waiver system.

Students who have their own health or insurance plan may apply to waive the automatic enrollment into the Dartmouth Student Group Health Plan (DSGHP) by completing the waiver process by July 1st (to avoid late fees) of each academic year.  (For incoming Exchange students, the waiver deadline is one week prior to their first term at Dartmouth for each academic year they are enrolled.  Please contact the DSGHP office for information on this.)