What is counseling?

About Counseling

Counseling is a process that can help people identify more effective strategies both to cope with difficult situations and to achieve their goals. While some people who seek counseling have chronic emotional difficulties, most are dealing with normal life events and are simply in need of a supportive listener- someone who doesn't judge and who can help them see new alternatives.

For college students, help may come from friends, family members, significant others, etc., but in some cases, help is needed from a trained professional. Counseling can provide students with support and help in finding ways to cope with the emotions that go along with a difficult period. The goal of the Counseling Center is to provide students with an opportunity to explore their concerns and problems with professional mental health providers in a confidential setting. 

When to Seek Counseling

While counseling might be helpful in numerous situations, there are some conditions in which we strongly encourage you to seek counseling services:

  • You are unhappy on most days or feel a sense of hopelessness
  • You worry excessively or are constantly on edge
  • You are unable to concentrate on your schoolwork or other activities
  • You are unable to sleep at night or constantly feel tired
  • You have experienced a change in your appetite or your weight
  • You have experienced a loss (e.g., a relationship breakup, death of a loved one, including death by suicide)
  • You have increased your use of alcohol or other drugs (including cigarettes)
  • You feel overwhelmed by what is going on in your life
  • You are having thoughts about hurting yourself or someone else (e.g. self harm, suicidal thoughts)

Other Reasons for Seeking Counseling Services

  • Trouble adjusting to college life (roommate issues, time management and study skills, homesickness)
  • Preparing for life after college (What's next? Career issues)
  • Relationship troubles with family, friends, or romantic partners
  • Difficulties arising from discrimination or marginalization
  • Alcohol and other drug concerns
  • Identity exploration (e.g. sexual orientation, religious identity, gender, etc.)
  • Concerns related to eating and/or body image
  • Sexual assualt, harrassment, relationship violence, stalking
  • Academic stress
  • Troublesome feelings such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, shyness, fear, and anger