Bonfire Committee

Did you know the Dartmouth Homecoming bonfire is built annually by members of the first year class? Find out more below!


Are you a first-year student? Want to lead the first-year class in the Bonfire Build and class spirit activities? Want to be a part of passing the flame from Dartmouth alums and light the Bonfire for the first-year class and all of Dartmouth? 

Each year, 4-6 first-year students are chosen to be Bonfire Chairs. Bonfire Chairs are responsible for the Bonfire Build and spirit activities. The Bonfire Build consists of coordinating and constructing the Bonfire in time for Homecoming. Bonfire Chairs organize the first-year class for the Bonfire Build, as only first-year students can build the Bonfire. Spirit activities consist of hype events, merch, and more.

Being a Bonfire Chair is an excellent role for first-years that want to lead a major Dartmouth event for the entire Dartmouth community! 

How to Become a Bonfire Chair

Each year at the start of the Fall Term, Bonfire Chair Applications go out to the entire first-year class through a class email. When the Bonfire Chair Application becomes available, fill out the form as completely as possible. There is also an interview process, so please check your email for individualized follow up. You might be selected to represent your class and become a Bonfire Chair!