Paganucci Lounge Accessibility & Inclusion Guide

Paganucci Lounge: Accessibility & Inclusion Guide

Accessibility Information

Paganucci Lounge is located off the main lobby of the Class of 1953 Commons Dining Hall. The accessible entrance to the Class of 1953 Commons is the entrance facing Robinson Hall, which has a ramp and automatic door openers. Once inside the building, Paganucci Lounge is to the left. 

For a campus map, please click here. To view the accessible entryways, please click on the "Layers" symbol and select "ADA Entrances." 


Both gendered and gender inclusive restrooms are available in the Class of 1953 Commons.. The closest restrooms to Pagnucci Lounge are as follows: 

  • Gender Inclusive- Located in the main lobby to the immediate left of the main entrance to the building

  • Women's and Men's restrooms- located in the main lobby just past the registers

Technology & Accessibility

  • Projection is available in Paganucci. 

  • Projection of captioning services is possible. Event organizers will need to work with a captioning service to provide the captioning. 

  • Event technology is ever changing and may require assistance from outside vendors. Collis staff are happy to consult on possible solutions and connect with outside vendors.