Mindfulness Basics
Basics: During this 4-week class you will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness and learn several skills, including meditation, for managing stress and enriching your life.
Week One
We explore what mindfulness is and learn how to start incorporating it into our lives through two breathing exercises (Belly Breathing & Dynamic Breathing) and a guided Body Scan meditation.
Week Two
We dive a little deeper and investigate how to cultivate more awareness through shared discussion, a Walking meditation, and the repetition of a Gatha, or meditation poem.
Week Three
We learn how to relax through the use of Guided Imagery followed by a meditation to help us release our thoughts by way of recognizing, observing, & labeling them.
Week Four
We conclude with an Eating meditation (when is the last time you paid attention solely to the food you were eating without looking at your phone, reading a book, or doing school work?) and will build on the Labeling Thoughts meditation we practiced in week three.
*In a randomized controlled trial, college students who went through MIEA reported feeling more calm, more mindful, more rested, and had less self-judgment than students who did not go through the MIEA program.
To find out when the next class is scheduled, please see above or contact the Student Wellness Center.