About Wellness Check-ins

Explore Your Options for One on One Support

The challenges and opportunities that are present throughout the Dartmouth student experience can feel overwhelming at times. Many students find that the opportunity to talk things out in a one-on-one setting can be very helpful for gaining some clarity and confidence about your ability to navigate these transitions and make decisions that fit well with the life you want to create for yourself.

What happens during a wellness check-in at the SWC?

During these one-on-one sessions, you get a chance to talk out all of the things you've been carrying in your head or on your heart with a trained listener who can provide a source of non-judgmental support. While these conversations can vary greatly in terms of what we discuss, our goal is to listen carefully and work with you to navigate the different transitions you're facing and take steps toward making the most of this period of your life.

What can I expect?

Wellness check-in sessions are offered via Zoom or phone, and typically last about 45 minutes. During our meetings, we take the time to get to know you and explore whatever is happening in your life connected to your reasons for scheduling a wellness check-in. While some students find that one session meets their needs, we are also glad to set up further meetings if there is more to discuss or explore. These meetings can be regular or more sporadic – whatever works best for your schedule. We can also connect you with different campus resources if other offices might be helpful for your needs.

Is a wellness check-in right for me?  

Students often make use of these sessions without a specific challenge or concern in mind as it can often be useful to have an open conversation where you can discuss whatever may be going on in your life. Some of the subjects that frequently come up during check-in sessions include:

  • adjusting to changes or challenges in your life
  • academic stressors,
  • exploring aspects of what makes you uniquely you,
  • relationships,
  • making tough decisions,
  • identifying sources of meaning and purpose,
  • developing a sense of belonging,
  • creating balance or positive self-care practices,
  • AND literally many, many other topics – if it matters to you, it matters to us!

At Dartmouth, we have a number of support services available to you, broadly classified as either private or confidential resources.

Private Resources

Staff members providing support through private resources are required to share any disclosures of sexual assault, sexual or gender-based harassment, dating or domestic violence, or stalking. This information will only be communicated with other individuals on a need-to-know basis or as required by law.

  • Staff at the Student Wellness Center offer wellness check-in sessions for all students at Dartmouth
  • Graduate students trained as wellness coaches, offer check-in sessions for both graduate and undergraduate students at Dartmouth
  • Resident Fellows at North Park House provide wellness check-ins for students within their own House community
  • Students in the Peer Support service offered by the Dartmouth Mental Health Union have participated in training with staff across campus, including the SWC and the Counseling Center, and have a lived understanding of the student experience at Dartmouth

Confidential Resources

Staff providing support through the confidential resources on campus may not share your information without your express consent unless there is imminent danger to self or others, or as otherwise required by law.

Confidential services are also available through many off-campus and on-campus resources including the Tucker Center and the Counseling Center if that is your preference.

We encourage you to explore the websites linked above to get a better understanding of the philosophies and approaches that guide each of these services to find the best fit for your needs right now.


Chart of differences between counseling and checkins

If you think that a wellness check-in might be helpful, please return to the wellness check-in page for the various services available to you!