SWC Wellness Check-ins

Meet In-Person, By Phone or Zoom!

The SWC offers wellness check-ins for undergraduate and graduate students that give you a chance to talk openly with a trained, non-judgmental listener about anything that might be going on in your life. Our team makes wellness check-ins available via Zoom, phone, or in-person (indoors or outside). Select your preference during the scheduling process!

To schedule a Wellness Check-in at the earliest available time:

Wellness Check-In Scheduler

To schedule a Wellness Check-in with a specific provider (BIOs of each provider are in the section below), please use the links below:

Brian Bowden: In-person or Zoom; M-F

Jane Han: on leave currently

Alleah Schweitzer: In-person or Zoom; M-F

Noah Stanton: In-person or Zoom; M-F

LB White: In-person, phone, or Zoom; M-Th

Please Note

Wellness check-ins are not intended as a substitute for therapy or pastoral counseling. Our staff members and graduate cohort offer check-ins as a non-clinical, private resource, which means we cannot provide the same level of confidentiality as our colleagues at the Counseling Center or the Tucker Center. Please refer to our About Wellness Check-ins page for more information about our work as well as other support service options on campus to choose the resource that is right for you.