TIPS Certification Training Course

TIPS Certification Training Course

As Pre-Requisites to taking the course, individuals must be:

1.    Currently Enrolled Dartmouth Student in Good Standing,
2.    21-years-old or turning 21 during the present term.

Directions: Please note that the #9 direction requires you to email your certificate (pdf or screenshot) after you complete the course. 

Chrome is the recommended browser for this online course. Open Chrome and follow these directions:

I. Fill out this form: TIPS Certification Tranining Form

  1. Click on to go to or copy/paste the following in your web browser:
  2. After you go to the link provided above, you will be taken to a login and sign-up screen.  As a new TIPS user, click SIGN-UP (top right) to create a user profile in the system.
  3.  Complete the account Setup form:
    a.    Complete all fields.
    b.    Use your Dartmouth Email when asked. ex.
    c.    Click CONTINUE.
  4. After the required information is filled in, verify your information, and click on the CONTINUE button. 
  5. Enroll in the Course.
    a.    From the drop-down menu, select the "TIPS Commercial On-Premise Alcohol Server Training" course. 
    b.    Click Proceed.
  6. User Account Successfully Created
    a.    Toward the bottom of the screen click on "Go to Course"
  7. Launch Your Course From the "My Courses" screen.
    a.    Here you can access/participate in the course and view profile details.
    b.    Click on "TIPS Commercial On-Premise Alcohol Server Training" to launch the training.
  8. You can save and return to the program at any time.  You can also return to the portal to print certificates if needed.
    a.    Use this link if returning after initial setup:
  9. Your certificate:
    a.    Upon completion email and attach a digital copy of your certificate (screenshot or pdf) and,
    b.    Keep a copy of your digital certificate on your mobile device.
  10. Sign into Dartmouth Groups and request to be a member of AMP:
    a.    Dartmouth Groups AMP
    b.    Once verified you will be a member of AMP within Dartmouth Groups and designated as TIPS Certified.  
  11. When serving you must keep Dartmouth Groups App running on your mobile device.
    a.    DoSS will ask you to scan a QR Code multiple times throughout your event.
  12. Questions and Comments can be directed to

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