References & Research

Developing the SVPP

In order to build a theory driven and evidence-based sexual violence prevention strategy we conducted an extensive literature review.

Listed below are several references that have guided the design, curriculum development, and implementation of the SVPP. This is not an exhaustive list.


  1. Adams, M., Bell, L., & Griffin, P. (2007). Teaching for diversity and social justice. New York :Routledge.
  2. American College Health Association. (2016). ACHA Guidelines: Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence on College and University Campuses. Retrieved June, 2016
  3. American College Health Association. (2016). ACHA Position Statement: Sexual and Relationship Violence on College and University Campuses. Retrieved June, 2016.
  4. Banyard, V. L., & Moynihan, M. M. (2011). Variation in bystander behavior related to sexual and intimate partner violence prevention: Correlates in a sample of college studentsPsychology of Violence, 1(4), 287–301.
  5. Banyard, V. L., Plante, E. G., & Moynihan, M. M. (2004). Bystander education: Bringing a broader community perspective to sexual violence prevention. Journal of Community Psychology, 32(1), 61–79.
  6. Barrett, B.J. & Sheridan, D.V. (2017) Partner Violence in Transgender Communities: What Helping Professionals Need to Know, Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 13:2, 137-162
  7. Basile, K. C. (2015). A Comprehensive Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(24), 2350-2352.
  8. Basile, K.C., DeGue, S., Jones, K., Freire, K., Dills, J., Smith, S.G., & Raiford, J.L. (2016). STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  9. Berkowitz, A.D. (2001). Critical Elements of Sexual-Assault Prevention and Risk-Reduction Programs for Men and Women. Chapter 3 (p 77-98) in C. Kilmartin, Sexual Assault in Context, Teaching College Men About Gender, Holmes Beach, FL, Learning Publications.
  10. Berkowitz, A.D. (2010). Fostering healthy norms to prevent violence and abuse: The social norms approach. Chapter 8 in K. Kaufman, The prevention of sexual violence: A practioner's sourcebook (Ch 8).
  11. Berkowitz, A.D. (2002). Fostering Men's Responsibility for Preventing Sexual Assault. Chapter 7 (p 163-196) in Paul A. Schewe. (Ed). Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Developmentally Appropriate Interventions Across the Lifespan. Washington, American Psychological Press.
  12. Berkowitz, A.D. (2007). Overcoming the obstacles to campus safety: Developing a comprehensive approach to prevention [White paper]. Retrieved December 12, 2017 from:
  13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014). Preventing Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Lessons from Research and Practice.
  14. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004) Sexual Violence Prevention: Beginning the Dialogue. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective Factors.
  16. Coker, A. L., Bush, H. M., Cook-Craig, P. G., DeGue, S. A., Clear, E. R., Brancato, C. J., Fisher, B. S., & Recktenwald, E. A. (2017). RCT testing bystander effectiveness to reduce violence. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52(5), 566–578.
  17. Coker, A. L., Bush, H. M., Fisher, B. S., Swan, S. C., Williams, C. M., Clear, E. R., & DeGue, S. (2016). Multi-college bystander intervention evaluation for violence prevention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50(3), 295–302.
  18. Coker, A. L., Cook-Craig, P. G., Williams, C. M., Fisher, B. S., Clear, E. R., Garcia, L. S., & Hegge, L. M. (2011). Evaluation of Green Dot: An Active Bystander Intervention to Reduce Sexual Violence on College Campuses. Violence Against Women, 17(6), 777–796. 
  19. Coker, A. L., Fisher, B. S., Bush, H. M., Swan, S. C., Williams, C. M., Clear, E. R., & DeGue, S. (2015). Evaluation of the Green Dot Bystander Intervention to Reduce Interpersonal Violence Among College Students Across Three Campuses. Violence Against Women, 21(12), 1507–1527.
  20. Cook-Craig, P. G., Coker, A. L., Clear, E. R., Garcia, L. S., Bush, H. M., Brancato, C. J., Williams, C. M., & Fisher, B. S. (2014). Challenge and opportunity in evaluating a diffusion-based active bystanding prevention program: Green dot in high schools. Violence Against Women, 20(10), 1179–1202.
  21. Crenshaw, K. (1991). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics and violence against women of color. Stanford Law Review, 43, 1241-1299.
  22. Dartmouth College Inclusive Excellence Student Working Group. Learn Together. (2016). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College. Retrieved June, 2016.
  23. DeGue, S., Valle, L. A., Holt, M. K., Massetti, G. M., Matjasko, J. L., & Tharp, A. T. (2014). A systematic review of primary prevention strategies for sexual violence perpetration. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(4), 346-362.
  24. Dills J., Fowler D., Payne G. (2016). Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  25. EverFi. (2014). Approach & Impact: Programming, Policy, Critical Process, Institutionalization. Boston, MA: EverFi.
  26. Foshee, V., Bauman, K., Arriaga, X., Helms, R., Koch, G., & Linder, G. (1998). An evaluation of safe dates, an adolescent dating violence protection programAmerican Journal of Public Health, 88(1), 45–50.
  27. Gidycz, C. A., Orchowski, L. M., & Berkowitz, A. D. (2011). Preventing Sexual Aggression Among College Men: An Evaluation of a Social Norms and Bystander Intervention Program. Violence Against Women, 17(6), 720–742.
  28. Gonzalez, H.B., & Feder, J. (2016). Sexual violence at institutions of higher education (CRS Report R43764). Washington, DC: Congressional Research.
  29. Harris, J. C., & Linder, C. (Eds.). (2017). Intersections of identity and sexual violence on campus: Centering minoritized students' experience. Dulles: Stylus Publishing.
  30. Harvard University Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Assault. Final Report. (2016). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
  31. Hirsch, J. S., & Khan, S. (2021). Sexual citizens: Sex, power, and assault on campus. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
  32. Hong, L., & Marine, S. B. (2018). Sexual violence through a social justice paradigm: Framing and applicationsNew Directions for Student Services2018(161), 21-33.
  33. Lonsway, K.A., Banyard, V.L., Berkowitz, A.D., Gidycz, C.A., Katz. J.T., Koss, M.P., Schewe, P.A., & Ullman, S.E. (2009). Rape Prevention and Risk Reduction: Review of the Research Literature for Practitioners.
  34. McCarthy, K., & Rankin, S. (2015). Education and Prevention Task Force: Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  35. McMahon, S. & Seabrook, R.C. (2019). Reasons for Nondisclosure of Campus Sexual Violence by Sexual and Racial/Ethnic Minority WomenJournal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 0:0, pages 1-15.
  36. Moynihan, M. M., & Banyard, V. L. (2008). Community responsibility for preventing sexual violence: A pilot with campus Greeks and intercollegiate athletes. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 36(1–2), 23–28.
  37. Moynihan, M. M., Banyard, V. L., Arnold, J. S., Eckstein, R. P., & Stapleton, J. G. (2010). Engaging intercollegiate athletes in preventing and intervening in sexual and intimate partner violence. Journal of American College Health, 59(3), 197–204.
  38. Nation, M., Crusto, C., Wandersman, A., Kumpfer, K.L., Seybolt, D., Morrissey-Kane, E., & Davino, K. (2003). What Works in Prevention: Principles of Effective Prevention Programs. American Psychologist, 58, 449-56.
  39. Nation, M., Keener, D., Wandersman, A., & DuBois, D. (2005). Applying the Principles of Prevention: What Do Prevention Practitioners Need to Know About What Works? PsycEXTRA Dataset.
  40. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Violence Prevention. Retrieved June, 2016.
  41. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). The Bully-Sexual Violence Pathway in Early Adolescence. Applying Science. Advancing Practice. 
  42. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Understanding Sexual Violence: Fact Sheet. Applying Science. Advancing Practice. Retrieved January, 2016.
  43. National Collegiate Athletic Association Sexual Assault Task Force. (2016). Sexual Violence Prevention: An Athletic Tool Kit for a Healthy and Safe Culture. Retrieved November, 2016.
  44. Potter, S., Fountain, K. & Stapleton, J. (2012). Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence in the LGBT Community Using a Bystander Framework. Harvard review of psychiatry. 20. 201-8. 10.3109/10673229.2012.712838. 
  45. Prevention Innovations Research Center (2016). Examples of Strategic Planning for the Development of Comprehensive Sexual Violence Prevention Strategies.
  46. Senn, C. Y., Eliasziw, M., Barata, P. C., Thurston, W. E., Newby-Clark, I. R., Radtke, H. L., & Hobden, K. L. (2015). Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Program for University Women. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(14), 2326-2335. 
  47. Springer, F., & Phillips, J. (2006). The IOM Model: A Tool for Prevention Planning and Implementation. Prevention Tactics, 8:13.
  48. Taylor-Powell, E. & Henert, E. (2008). Developing a logic model: Teaching and training guide. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, Program Development and Evaluation.
  49. Tharp, A. T., Degue, S., Valle, L. A., Brookmeyer, K. A., Massetti, G. M., & Matjasko, J. L. (2012). A Systematic Qualitative Review of Risk and Protective Factors for Sexual Violence Perpetration. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 14(2), 133-167. 
  50. Thompson, M. P. (2014). Risk and Protective Factors for Sexual Aggression and Dating Violence: Common Themes and Future Directions. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15(4), 304-309.
  51. Turell, S., Herrmann, M., Hollander, G. & Galletly, C. (2012) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Communities' Readiness for Intimate Partner Violence Prevention, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 24:3, 289-310.
  52. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Question and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence (Apr. 2014). Retrieved January, 2016.
  53. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Title IX Resource Guide (Apr. 2015). Retrieved January, 2016.
  54. Vladutiu, C. J., Martin, S. L., & Macy, R. J. (2010). College- or University-Based Sexual Assault Prevention Programs: A Review of Program Outcomes, Characteristics, and Recommendations. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 12(2), 67-86.
  55. White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault (U.S.) (2014). Establishing Prevention Programming: Strategic Planning for Campuses.
  56. Weissbourd, R., Anderson, T. R., Cashin, A., & McIntyre, J. (2017). The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Young People's Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment (Rep.). Retrieved 2017, from Making Caring Common Project/Harvard Graduate School of Education.
  57. Wilkins, N., Tsao, B., Hertz, M., Davis, R., & Klevens, J. (2014). Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oakland, CA: Prevention Institute.