Dartmouth Receives CPN Seal of Prevention

The CPN Seal of Prevention is awarded to institutions of higher education that have demonstrated a commitment to digital prevention programs tied to student safety, well-being, and inclusion. Each recipient of the CPN Seal of Prevention has taken action to create a safer, more inclusive campus through comprehensive, evidence-based digital prevention education on issues such as sexual assault, alcohol misuse, mental health, and discrimination. 


EVERFI awards the Seal of Prevention after an annual evaluation against the demonstrated quality of their digital programming aligned to evidence-based prevention principles, including socio-cultural relevance, reach and dosage, and outcomes. The criteria for the CPN Seal are based on the Principles of Effective Prevention Programs published by Nation, et al. (2003). 

Dartmouth is pleased to receive this award which demonstrates our commitment to research-based prevention work to empower students to use resources & support those who have been impacted by sexual violence; develop positive relationships & positive sexual behavior; use their power in positive ways to foster equity & belonging; and check-in & step-in, across the spectrum of harm, to prevent sexual violence.