Dartmouth Events

Stress Better: A 10-day Mindfulness Challenge

Beginning Monday, April 11th. Sign up here: http://dartgo.org/StressBetter Research-based step-by-step audio guide Daily 10-minute mindfulness exercises Optional live practice

Monday, April 11, 2022
All Day
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Centers Forum Event, Spiritual & Worship, Workshops & Training
Registration required.

Sign up: http://dartgo.org/StressBetter

Feeling anxious, worried and uncertain are common experiences among our
Dartmouth student community. Nearly 80% of the students who completed the
Healthy Minds Survey in F21 reported feeling “nervous, anxious, or on edge”
at least several days in the past two weeks, with 15% reporting feeling this
way nearly every day. If these are the numbers for any 2 week period of time,
it seems likely that almost everyone feels this way at one point or another
during their time as a Dartmouth student.

This challenge is about changing those numbers. We want to give you a new
understanding of stress and anxiety - what it is, how it functions, where it
comes from, and more importantly: how you can begin to shift these patterns
with science-based tools and practices.

This challenge is not about coping with stress, it’s about helping you change
your relationship with anxiety in a way that can transform your life -
especially in the spaces and circumstances that trigger stress and anxiety for
you (e.g. social settings, academic tasks, the many performance-related areas
of our lives, and more).

For more information, contact:
Christiana Fitzpatrick

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.