Online SWC Yoga Classes

Find Yoga Practices ranging from 3 minutes to 60 minutes for all levels of experience.  

Yoga Practices, 10 minutes and under

Purposeful Pick-me-up (5 min) In this brief yoga practice, we'll cultivate a greater sense of focus, energy, and purpose through a strong and steady standing flow. Perfect for when you are low on time, but need a boost!

Study Break Chair Yoga 1 (6 min)
Take a break and allow the movement of this gentle yoga sequence to bring some relaxation into your whole body and mind. We will focus on releasing tension in the neck and shoulders while stretching the tight muscles of the back.

Study Break Chair Yoga 2 with white noise (5 min)
A variation of our 5-minute chair yoga sequence with the added benefit of white noise.

Study Break Desk Yoga (9 min)
Unplug with this brief chair yoga sequence designed to give your whole mind, body, and heart a reprieve from the "to-dos" of life.

Tension Tamer (10 min)
This brief sequence can be done while seated or standing and is a wonderful way to give your body, mind, and heart a break from the pressures and demands of life. 

SWC's YouTube playlist of many more  2 to 10 minute yoga demos and sequences for a quick refresh.

Longer Yoga Classes, 45 minutes and up

Flow to Revolve (57 minutes) Passcode: &zf318l.  (the "." at the end of the code is needed for access)

Gentle Yoga Class - Appreciate the Good (55 minutes)

Tune Into You - All Levels Vinyasa Flow (56 minutes)


Yoga Challenge - A self-paced, 7-day, all levels yoga challenge that gives you a chance to take dedicated, consistent time out for yourself to calmer and more focused.