If you have a medical and/or disability related need that you believe may impact what room type you need, be sure you have submitted your fall housing application by March 3, 2025 at 2pm (ET). Management of housing accommodation/adjustment is a joint process through the Housing Office and Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Requests for accommodations start with the Student Accessibility Services form. If approved for an accommodation through Student Accessibility Services office, Undergraduate Housing will work with you on your housing based on their recommendation and available space. If you are already registered with SAS, you can email your SAS advisor, or email their main office at student.accessibility.services@dartmouth.edu.
If you have a cultural and/or faith-based practice you believe may qualify for a religious housing accommodation, be sure to submit your fall housing application by March 3, 2025 at 2pm (ET) and submit the Residential Life Religious Accommodation Request form. Once your form is submitted you will meet with a Chaplain to review your situation (after submitting the form you will be contacted to set up a time to discuss your application). If approved for an accommodation, Undergraduate Housing will work with you on your housing based on the Chaplain's recommendation and available space.
Assignments for students approved for housing accommodations will be sent out by April 24th.