Room Draw Processes


Please see the Living Learning website for details about each community and its residency expectations. 

LLC room assignments for fall term are made by the housing office, rather than through online selection. Assignments are made taking into consideration your LLC preference order, advisor feedback on applications, space available in each community, as well as your roommate group (if you are part of one) and room selection number.

If accepted to an LLC, you are committed to live in that LLC and are not eligible for other fall housing options.


If you have a medical and/or disability related need that you believe may impact what room type you need, be sure you have submitted your fall housing application by March 3, 2025 at 2pm (ET). Management of housing accommodation/adjustment is a joint process through the Housing Office and Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Requests for accommodations start with the Student Accessibility Services form. If approved for an accommodation through Student Accessibility Services office, Undergraduate Housing will work with you on your housing based on their recommendation and available space. If you are already registered with SAS, you can email your SAS advisor, or email their main office at

If you have a cultural and/or faith-based practice you believe may qualify for a religious housing accommodation, be sure to submit your fall housing application by March 3, 2025 at 2pm (ET) and submit the Residential Life Religious Accommodation Request form. Once your form is submitted you will meet with a Chaplain to review your situation (after submitting the form you will be contacted to set up a time to discuss your application). If approved for an accommodation, Undergraduate Housing will work with you on your housing based on the Chaplain's recommendation and available space.

Assignments for students approved for housing accommodations will be sent out by April 24th.


Eligibility & Apartment Details:

  • Seniors and juniors can form roommate groups for apartments, even if they belong to different House Communities.
  • You must be a junior or senior and part of a roommate group that fills all beds in the apartment.
  • Any member can create the group, and all members must complete their applications (confirmation emails will be sent). 
  • If applying for a single apartment, you should not be part of a roommate group.

Apartment Options:

  • Maxwell & Channing Cox - 4-person apartments (all private bedrooms) with 1 bathroom
  • Ledyard Apartments - 4-person apartments (1 double & 2 singles) with 1 bathroom
  • North Park Apartments (7 & 9 Ivy Lane, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 & 24 North Park Street) - a few single apartments (studio style) with 1 bathroom, 4-person apartments (all private bedrooms) with 2 bathrooms

Room Draw Timeline & Process:

  • Application Deadline: April 3rd at 2pm (ET)
  • April 4: Housing staff reviews applicants/groups and notifies ineligible students. Eligible groups will have the roommate group verification process open.
  • April 7: Deadline for eligible groups to verify their roommate groups to participate in Room Draw.
  • April 8: Timeslots are sent to group leaders of verified groups.
  • April 10: Room selection takes place starting at 4pm (ET).

Timeslot Assignment:

  • Timeslots are randomly assigned based on the class year of group members (room selection numbers are not used).
  • Priority order: 1. All-senior groups. 2. Mixed junior-senior groups. 3. All-junior groups.

After Room Selection:

  • Assignments are for fall term only. You must confirm winter and spring term plans when housing information is released (late September for winter, mid-January for spring).
  • If you do not secure an apartment:
    • You may enter the Summit Apartment Room Draw by updating your application by April 17th.
    • If still without housing, you will receive a timeslot to participate in your House Community Room Draw.


The cost of living in a Summit apartment is the same as living in other undergraduate Dartmouth housing. Students living in a Summit apartment are not required to be on a meal plan.

Eligibility & Apartment Details:

  • Roommate groups can include sophomore, juniors, and seniors from different House Communities.
  • All group members must complete their housing applications (confirmation emails will be sent upon completion).
  • Groups can be edited or deleted any time before selecting an apartment.
  • If applying for a single apartment, you should not be part of a roommate group.

Apartment Options:

  • Single apartments (1 bedroom, 1 bathroom)
  • One 3-person apartment (3 private bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)
  • 2-person apartments (2 private bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)
  • 4-person apartments (4 private bedrooms, 2 bathrooms)

Room Draw Timeline & Process:

  • Application Deadline: April 17th at 2pm (ET)
  • April 18: Timeslots are sent to participants
  • April 22: Room selection takes place starting at 4pm (ET).

Timeslot Assignment:

  • Timeslots are assigned based on room selection numbers.

After Room Selection:

  • Assignments are for fall term only. You must confirm winter and spring term plans when housing information is released (late September for winter, mid-January for spring).
  • If you do not select an apartment you may dissolve your roommate group and participate in your House Community Room Draw (if applicable).


If you plan to live in your Greek organization's residential space, you must work with your Greek house to confirm your space on the house roster. The final roster is due into the Housing Office on April 11, 2025. If you are on the roster you must sign your contract rider on DartHub, Housing StarPortal by April 17, 2025. Each Greek house must be at their required minimum occupancy by then. If they are not, all members of that organization will be prevented from participating in other fall housing processes until the minimum occupancy has been met.


Eligibility & Details:

  • Roommate groups can include sophomore, juniors, and seniors and MUST ALL be from the same House Community.
  • All group members must complete their housing applications (confirmation emails will be sent upon completion).
  • Groups can be edited or deleted any time before selecting a room.

Room Options:

  • For details on room types and designations please visit your House Community page.

Room Draw Timeline & Process:

  • Application Deadline: April 23rd at 2pm (ET)
  • April 25: Timeslots are sent to participants
  • April 28 - April 30th: Room selection takes place starting at 4pm (ET).

Timeslot Assignment:

  • Timeslots are assigned based on room selection numbers.

After Room Selection:

  • Assignments are for fall term only. You must confirm winter and spring term plans when housing information is released (late September for winter, mid-January for spring).
  • If you do not select a room the waitlist process opens on May 2nd.


Eligibility & Details:

  • Roommate groups can include juniors and seniors from different House Communities.
  • All group members must complete their housing applications (confirmation emails will be sent upon completion).
  • Groups can be edited or deleted any time before selecting a room.

Room Options:

  • Ripley, Woodward and Smith Halls

Room Draw Timeline & Process:

  • Application Deadline: April 23rd at 2pm (ET)
  • May 1: Timeslots are sent to participants in the morning
  • May 1: Room selection takes place starting at 4pm (ET).

Timeslot Assignment:

  • Timeslots are assigned based on room selection numbers.

After Room Selection:

  • Assignments are for fall term only. You must confirm winter and spring term plans when housing information is released (late September for winter, mid-January for spring).
  • If you do not select a room the waitlist process opens on May 2nd.


What happens if I don't get a room? Don't panic! If you are a member of the class of 2028, signed your application agreement by the March 3rd deadline and apply to the Fall Waitlist by May 15th at 2pm (ET) and remain an "R" for the fall (registered for classes here in Hanover) you are guaranteed housing. Rising juniors and seniors will be placed after rising sophomores and are not guaranteed housing. The Waitlist will be available on DartHub, Housing StarPortal on May 2nd. Students on the fall housing waitlist are assigned to spaces that open through cancellations and dplan changes in residence halls, Hanover Senior Apartments, Summit on Juniper Apartments and Living Learning Communities.