Several significant projects begin this spring and summer on campus. One with a direct impact on housing is the renovation of the Fayerweathers. Immediately following spring term, the three residence halls will close for a two-year renovation. With the closure of these first-year residence halls, we have made some adjustments to first-year housing locations and within the House Communities. To help meet the need for returning student housing, the College has entered a master lease with Summit on Juniper for building 2, in addition to building 3, which we have been using since the spring of 2022.
Building 2 has two-bedroom apartments and four-bedroom apartments, as well as a few one-bedroom apartments. Some one-bedroom apartments in the building will be occupied by Dartmouth graduate students with current leases for the building. Building 2, like building 3, will be available for fall housing selection through the Apartment process.
Changes within House Communities include the following:
- Allen House: Gile will be 50/50 returning students and first year students.
- East Wheelock: Zimmerman will reopen and like Andres, will be 60/40 first year students and returning students. McCulloch will be all returning students.
- School House: Mid Mass will be all first-year students, with returning students in Hitchcock, North Mass and South Mass.
- South House: Wheeler and Richardson will be all first-year housing, along with the fourth floor of New Hampshire. Topliff will be 40/60 first-year housing and returning student housing.
- West House: Russell Sage remains mixed-class housing, 60% first year and 40% returning students.
- Ripley, Woodward and Smith will be flexible housing for students across House Communities on the fall housing waitlist.