About Fall Housing


Several significant projects begin this spring and summer on campus. One with a direct impact on housing is the renovation of the Fayerweathers. Immediately following spring term, the three residence halls will close for a two-year renovation. With the closure of these first-year residence halls, we have made some adjustments to first-year housing locations and within the House Communities.  To help meet the need for returning student housing, the College has entered a master lease with Summit on Juniper for building 2, in addition to building 3, which we have been using since the spring of 2022.

Building 2 has two-bedroom apartments and four-bedroom apartments, as well as a few one-bedroom apartments. Some one-bedroom apartments in the building will be occupied by Dartmouth graduate students with current leases for the building. Building 2, like building 3, will be available for fall housing selection through the Apartment process.

Changes within House Communities include the following:

  • Allen House:  Gile will be 50/50 returning students and first year students.
  • East Wheelock: Zimmerman will reopen and like Andres, will be 60/40 first year students and returning students.  McCulloch will be all returning students.
  • School House: Mid Mass will be all first-year students, with returning students in Hitchcock, North Mass and South Mass.
  • South House: Wheeler and Richardson will be all first-year housing, along with the fourth floor of New Hampshire.  Topliff will be 40/60 first-year housing and returning student housing.
  • West House: Russell Sage remains mixed-class housing, 60% first year and 40% returning students.
  • Ripley, Woodward and Smith will be flexible housing for students across House Communities on the fall housing waitlist.

Fall Housing Requirements

All students participating in Fall Room Draw must register by the application deadline for the process they are participating in for fall term.

All students who register must meet the following criteria:

  • Enrolled for fall term.
  • Not already housed for the fall.

If you apply but don't meet the criteria, you will be notified within the application that you are not eligible. Rising sophomores, whose dplans are pending, will be allowed to go through Room Draw, with their assignment confirmation dependent upon their dplan becoming an "R" for the fall. Rising juniors and seniors with dplan petitions pending must contact Undergraduate Housing in order to participate in fall housing. Student in their 5th year of the Thayer BE program are not eligible for undergraduate housing.

The Fall housing processes use the DartHub, Housing StarPortal. Application and selection are all part of the same application, but sections become available based on date. 

How Room Draw Works

Things to Remember!

  • You must have enough people in your roommate group to fill all the beds in the room. For example, to select a double you must have two people in your roommate group, to select a single you cannot be in a roommate group with one or more people.
  • Everyone in a roommate group must have a complete housing application and not already be assigned through an earlier process.
  • If you are going through your House Room Draw, all members of a roommate group must belong to your House Community.
  • Your assignment is for the fall term. You must confirm your housing plans for the winter and spring terms through the Housing Intent/Application for each relevant term.
  • If you need to create, change, or add to a roommate group you can do this at any time prior to and including your Room Draw timeslot. REMEMBER – the person with the best priority number/timeslot should be the "Group Leader" for any roommate group.  Only the group leader can select a room and they will assign anyone else in their group

Timeslots: Your time-slot is the date and time you will be able to access the room selection pages in the Housing Portal. Apartment time-slots will be sent on Monday, April 8th. House Community time-slots will be sent on Friday, April 19th. We start each room selection at 4pm and continue until all timeslots have completed for that process or all rooms have been selected. When your timeslot opens, to access Room Draw go to Dart Hub Housing-StarPortal link and select your Fall Application. You will have access to the Room Selection area starting at the beginning of your timeslot. When you get to the Online Room Selection page, click on "building" on the right-hand side to get started. Follow the instructions on the page to go through and select your room. Remember: everyone gets a timeslot, even if you are part of a roommate group. This way if roommate groups change, everyone still has a time they can access the portal. When your timeslot opens, you and others with the same timeslot gain access to the selection pages. If you do not select a room within that 10-minute timeslot, you retain access to the pages, however another group of students also gain access to select.

Vacancy List: The vacancy list will be available on DartHub under the Room Draw Vacancy Report (you can find this using the search function or by going to the Housing and Campus Services tiles).  You will receive an email the morning of your Room Draw, when it becomes available.

Cancellation Policy: Your assignment is binding – if you select a room, you cannot cancel your housing and try for a different room. Cancellations received after a room is selected until July 17th are subject to a $250 cancellation fee. After the 17th the fee increases to $500. The fee is automatically waived if you are accepted to an off-campus program or transfer/exchange term after Room Draw.

Housing Waitlist:  What happens if I don't get a room? Don't panic! If you are a member of the class of 2027, submitted a fall housing application by the deadline and apply to the Fall Waitlist by May 14th at 2pm (EST) and remain an "R" for the fall (registered for classes here in Hanover) you are guaranteed housing. Rising Juniors and Seniors will be placed after rising sophomores and are not guaranteed housing. The Waitlist will be available on DartHub, Housing StarPortal after your House Room Draw is completed and is due May 14th.

Residential Policies

College residence policies and terms become legally binding when either you receive your room assignment notification or you are notified verbally of your assignment by a Residential Life official, unless you cancel the assignment in writing.