About Fall Housing


We're excited to pilot several updates in our housing processes that take into account valuable feedback and student experiences over the last year.

  • Sophomore Guarantee: Sophomores who submit the fall intention form and signed the application agreement by March 3rd at 2pm (ET) are guaranteed housing either through one of the fall assignment processes, or the fall housing waitlist. They will be issued the first group of rising sophomore room selection numbers. Sophomores who apply after March 3rd are not guaranteed fall housing and will receive room selection numbers at the end of the sophomore class. 
  • Room Selection Numbers: These replace "priority numbers" and are assigned for each term's assignment process based on class-year. They are assigned after the deadline for each term's process. This change is made in response to student feedback, creating the opportunity for reassigned numbers each term, rather than a fixed number for the entire academic year. For the fall, the room selection number is used for Summit Apartment Room Draw, House Community and All-House Room Draws.
  • Hanover Senior Apartment Room Draw: The apartments in North Park, Ivy Lane, Ledyard, Maxwell & Channing Cox location will be part of online selection and are now available to seniors and juniors only. This addresses the concerns expressed by seniors about the limited availability of apartments when sophomores were part of roommate groups.
  • Living Learning Community & Housing Accommodation deadlines are now March 3rd. This provides more time for advisors to review LLC applications and for the Student Accessibility Services and the Chaplains time to work with students requesting housing accommodations. LLC decisions and assignments will be confirmed by the end of March so those not accepted have time to apply and participate in another process.
  • Fall Housing Waitlist: Dartmouth typically has a housing waitlist for the fall term, and in years past, the largest group on the waitlist has been sophomores. Based on feedback over the past few years, we are evolving the process to balance the proportion of class years on the waitlist. Recognizing that a high number of the class of 2027 experienced the waitlist process for fall 2024 housing, the proportion of the waitlist for fall 2025 housing will likely be about 50% sophomores and 50% juniors. Students on the housing waitlist will be assigned over the summer, based on spaces that open in residence halls, Hanover Senior Apartments, Summit on Juniper Apartments and Living Learning Communities.

Fall Housing Requirements

All students participating in Fall Room Draw must register by the application deadline for the process they are participating in for fall term.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Enrolled for fall term (dplan = R).
  • Does not already have a fall housing assignment.

Important Notes:

  • Rising juniors and seniors who apply but don't meet the criteria, will be notified within the application that you are not eligible.
  • Rising juniors and seniors with dplan petitions pending should complete the application and then must email residential.life@dartmouth.edu to participate in fall housing processes.
  • Rising sophomores, whose dplans are pending, will be allowed to go through Room Draw, with their assignment confirmation dependent upon their dplan becoming an "R" for the fall.
  • Students in their 5th year of the Thayer BE program are not eligible for undergraduate housing.

The Fall housing processes use the DartHub, Housing StarPortal. Application and selection are all part of the same application, but section pages become available based on date. 

Cancellation Policy

Your assignment is binding – if you select a room, you cannot cancel your housing and try for a different room. Cancellations received after a room is selected until July 17th are subject to a $250 cancellation fee. After the 17th the fee increases to $500. The fee is automatically waived if you are accepted to an off-campus program or transfer/exchange term after Room Draw.

Residential Policies

College residence policies and terms become legally binding when either you receive your room assignment notification or you are notified verbally of your assignment by a Residential Life official, unless you cancel the assignment in writing.