Fall 2025 Room Draw FAQs

Commonly asked Q&As

Q: When will I get my time to choose a room?  

A: For Hanover Senior Apartments, the group leader receives the timeslot on April 8th. For Summit on Juniper, they will be sent to all who signed up on April 18th. House Community timeslots will be sent on April 25th and All-House in Ripley, Woodward, Smith will go out the morning of May 1st.

Q: Where do I go on-line to choose my room?  

A: Go to DartHub, Housing: StarPortal and select the Housing Intention & Application. Open up the Fall Application and go to On-Line Selection. You will be able to select a building from a list on the side once your time-slot has begun.

Q: Where do I find a list of open rooms?  

A: The day of your Room Draw an automatically updating list will be available on your DartHub.

Q: When does Room Draw start? 

A: Hanover Senior Apartment Room Draw is on April 10, 2025. Summit Room Draw is on April 22, 2025. East Wheelock and West House Room Draws are on April 28, 2025, Allen and School Houses are on April 29, 2025, and North Park and South Houses are on April 30, 2025. All-House Room Draw is on May 1, 2025.

Q: My first choice is an Apartment, and my second choice is an LLC, what do I do?  

A: The LLC process is before Hanover Senior Apartment or Summit Room Draw. If you apply to an LLC and are accepted and assigned, that assignment is binding for the fall term. Your fall housing application will be closed for future processes.

Q: I'm interested in an apartment, but only if it's in a certain building. Do I have to choose an apartment if I sign up for Hanover Senior Apartment Room Draw?  

A: No, you don't have to select an apartment. If they apartment type or location is not available when it's your turn to choose, you can log out and you will then be eligible to sign up for Summit Room Draw or go through your House Community Room Draw or All-House Room Draw.

Q: How do I choose a room if I am approved for a housing accommodation or adjustment? 

A: Students who submit their Fall Housing Application by March 3rd at 2pm (ET) and are approved for a housing accommodation will be assigned by the Housing Office and sent their assignment details by April 24, 2025. Information on changes to the Accommodation process for medical and/or disability needs and the Religious Housing Accommodation process can be found on our website.

Q: If I applied for an LLC, Hanover Senior Apartment, or Summit Apartment but didn't get housing through one of those processes, and didn't put down House Community as a housing choice on my application, can I still go through my House Room Draw?

A: Yes, if you have not secured housing through an earlier process, you will automatically receive a room selection timeslot for your House Room Draw. 

Q: What if I have another obligation during my timeslot? 

A: If you are not able to get on-line to select your room during your timeslot, you can email the Housing Office one business day before your selection night and ask us to select a room on your behalf. Please use "PROXY" as your subject and provide as extensive a list of your preferred rooms as possible.

Q: If I don't have a roommate and all the singles are gone, can I choose a double or triple and have the Housing Office assign me a roommate?  

A: No, you must have enough people in a roommate group to fill the beds in a room in order to select it. If you are not able to choose a room, you indicate you wish to be matched with a roommate and placed into any available space the day after your House Room Draw. Should you not secure housing that way, you can submit a Fall Waitlist application on DartHub, Housing: StarPortal.

Q: What kind of confirmation will I get that I got a room?  

A: At the end of each night we send out an email that confirms your assignment.

Q: Is my assignment binding? Can I cancel and try for a different room?  

A: Your assignment is binding – if you select a room, you cannot cancel your housing and try for a different room during Room Draw. Cancellations received after a room is selected until July 17th are subject to a $250 cancellation fee. After the 17th the fee increases to $500. The fee is automatically waived if you are accepted to an off-campus program or transfer/exchange term after Room Draw.

Q: What happens if I don't get a room?  

A: Rising sophomores who completed a fall housing intent form and signed the application agreement by March 3rd, submit the Fall Waitlist by May 15, 2025 at 2pm (ET) and remain an "R" for the fall (registered for classes here in Hanover) are guaranteed housing. Sophomores who did not apply by the guarantee deadline but submitted the rest of the fall housing application can submit a waitlist application but are not guaranteed fall housing. The Waitlist will be available on DartHub, Housing Application: StarPortal on May 2nd and is due May 15, 2025 at 2pm (ET). We can't guarantee what type of room you will get, but you will get housing over the summer for fall term. Rising juniors & seniors who applied for fall housing can also submit waitlist applications if they do not select housing at Room Draw. Those applications will be processed once we know we have space for all guaranteed rising sophomores. Students on the waitlist are assigned to spaces that open over the summer in residence halls, Hanover Senior Apartments, Summit on Juniper Apartments, and/or Living Learning Communities. Juniors and seniors are also eligible for spaces in Greek housing.

If you have questions not covered here, stop by the Housing Office on the 3rd floor of Robinson Hall or give us a call at 603-646-3093.  We are open Monday – Friday, 9am to noon and 1pm to 4:30pm. We offer open office hours on Wednesday and Thursdays from 1pm-3pm and will have Q&A tables at various locations on campus. Check your House Community newsletters for more details.