West House

About West House

West House is co-led by a live-in Residential Education professional staff member, a House Professor who lives nearby, and a Program Coordinator. In addition, the West House leadership team consists of four Resident Fellows and a team of Undergraduate Advisors (UGAs). Student leadership opportunities exist through the House Executive Council.

Find your house leadership team here.

Housing Information

Butterfield, Russell Sage, Fahey & McLane, the residence halls that make up West House, have singles, two-toom doubles, two-room triples, and a few five-person suites.

First-year students who are West House members will live in French, Judge, and Russell Sage with other members of their House Community. First-year students who are in Russell Sage will live with other first-year students on mixed class floors.

What Type of Room Can I Expect?: Sophomores are generally in triples, juniors in doubles, seniors in singles and suites. First-year students typically are in two room doubles, singles and a two-room triples.

Gender Inclusive Housing/Single Sex Housing: All rooms in West House can be assigned to multi-gender roommate groups. Fahey & McLane have single-use bathrooms on each floor. The bathrooms on each floor in Russell Sage and Butterfield are gender specific. The bathrooms in French & Judge are gender specific.
