
COSO Funding Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • COSO is the primary source of event funding for COSO member organizations and will not provide funding to non-COSO organizations. If you apply for COSO funding, you cannot receive funding from other Undergraduate Finance Committee (UFC) groups.

  • COSO funds events that cost less than $5,000. If the total cost is above that amount, you must apply to SPEC. However, request for publications, conferences. travel, and supplies over $5,000 may apply to COSO. 

  • All events must connect to mission and purpose of your organization. 

  • Any leftover money from any event will be returned to COSO.

  • COSO does not fund retroactively. 

  • Funding is only for events that happen during academic terms. Events during reading period, interim, or finals will not be funded. 

  • No ticket sales to undergraduate students. 

  • Movie and media screenings must observe copyright laws. 

  • Events must be open to the entire campus and advertised via the campus-events listserv. 

  • Groups are required to maintain an inventory of all organization items using this template *Updated Summer 2024

  • Newly recognized groups are not eligible to receive funding for 2 terms. 

    • Fall recognition: Can request funds in spring term

    • Winter Recognition: Can request funds in summer term

    • Spring Recognition: Can request funds in fall term

Event Guidelines

  • COSO does not fund weekly meetings for normal organization planning or business. Events must have a topic or speaker and are open to campus. 

  • COSO does not fund recruitment events for new members. At the beginning of the year, groups can request a one-time $100 recruiment fund. 

  • Academic Competition teams are limited to spend no more than $6,000/year. Exceptions made for teams who make national tournaments. 

  • Selective organizations may apply for events that are open to all of campus. 

  • 1 Instructional workshops by outside instructor per term

  • Equipment: COSO groups may apply for funding for equipment/materials that support the mission of the organization. Equipment is a tangible object that would be used over the course of the year to support organization activities. Equipment is funded on a case-by-case basis. All equipment is considered the property of COSO and must be stored in COSO storage unless COSO approves a different storage plan. Groups should be ready to explain why other a particular equipment/material is necessary. 

  • Dartmouth student organizations shall not use their status as a recognized group to access space, resources, or services, at the request of or on behalf of an outside, non-Dartmouth entity.

  • COSO does not fund websites from groups (exception: Publications utilizing the Go Green Initiative)

  • COSO does not fund study sessions. 

  • COSO does not fund events off campus. 

  • Only clubs classified as "culture-specific" may request funds for social events. Social events must be directly correlated to the culture of your club. *Updated Summer 2024 

Food Guidelines

  • Culture-Specific & Issue Awareness Groups: Three (2 Meals, 1 Snack) regularly scheduled events with food per term.* Updated Summer 2024 
    • You must have a specific topic, date, speakers, location on your proposal.
    • All proposals must include an itemized food budget. Proposals without itemized budgets will not be considered. 
  • Recreational, Pre-Professional, Service & Philanthropy, Performance Groups: Three (1 Meal, 2 Snack) regularly scheduled events with food per term.* Updated Summer 2024 
    • You must have a specific topic, date, speakers, location on your proposal.
    • All proposals must include an itemized food budget. Proposals without itemized budgets will not be considered. 
  • Food: (choose either option 1 or 2)
    • Option 1: $9 per person for catered food or $10 per person for cooking.
    • Option 2: $4 per person for snacks
    • Tax and Tip may be requested as a separate line item. (in addition to the per person guidelines) 

Guidelines for Advertising, Decorations, Costumes, Photography

  • Advertising: $.50 per person, upward limit of $100/event. 

  • Costumes/make-up: $60/person per year. The purpose of the costume should be to enhance the performance and should not be something that you wear outside of performances. No group names can be printed on costumes. COSO expects that costumes be kept as the property of the organization and not given to specific individuals.  A link to your tracking spreadsheet must be included as part of funding proposal using this template.  *Updated Summer 2024

  • Decorations: $1/person for decorations (limit $250 per event)

  • COSO does not fund photography at events. 

  • COSO does not fund headshots for student organization members or officers. 


 Groups may request funding for prizes if the following criteria apply: 

  • Prizes must support a competitive activity or event. (for ex. trivia competition)
  • Prizes should enhance the experience of the event. 
  • Event/activity is open to campus and advertised to campus. Prizes should be included in the event advertisement. 

Prizes can only be in the form of a gift card. (local or online) COSO encourages local gift cards to support Hanover businesses. Some Hanover businesses also have online purchasing to accommodate students off-campus. 

Individual students cannot accept more than $25 in gift cards per term. If an individual has received $25 and wins another activity, prizes should go to the 2nd place winner. 

Organizations can request up to $100 in prizes per term. 

Winner should be announced at the end of the event or via email. 

Fundraiser Events

COSO groups may apply for a "loan" for fundraiser events. The following applies to fundraiser events: 

  • Funding may be used to cover the costs of the event (supplies, food, etc...)
  • If approved, funds will not be transferred to your account. Your account will go "negative" and groups are expected to pay the funds back to COSO. 
  • No COSO funds may be donated. 
  • Fundraising must happen inside the event - no entrance fee or fundraising requirement is permitted to enter the event. 

Co-Sponsoring an Event with a Non-Affiliated Group

Student organizations hosting events with a non-Dartmouth organization must follow these guidelines:

  • The student organization must be the primary source of funding for the event. No funding will be accepted from an outside organization that is more than 50% the cost of the event.
  • All finances must be run through the student organization Dartmouth account. The student group organization accepts all responsibility for event finances, including but not limited to those of the non-Dartmouth co-sponsoring organization should it fail to meet its commitment.
  • The student organization must be involved in all areas of event planning, event promotion and event execution.
  • The student organization will be the primary decision maker at events.
  • The student organization is encouraged to collaborate with the Student Involvement Office, as needed, in order to develop contracts or others matters pertaining to the event.
  • The student organization remains accountable to Dartmouth for the actions of the non-Dartmouth organization with which it is hosting the event.