Funding Your Event

COSO Funding

COSO meets every Wednesday while classes are in session from 3:30-5:30 p.m. If your group submitted a proposal, you will receive an email nviting you to come to the meeting. On Wednesday, come to 205 to sign-in (sign-in sheet goes out at 3:15) and wait to be called. Please be ready to briefly present your event (including a budget breakdown) to COSO. The members you send to present should be prepared and know all the details of the event. 

Funding will be transferred to your group's account after approval by COSO. Please visit the Funding section of this website for more information on funding your event or how to apply for COSO funding. Contact the Collis Center with any financial questions, or come see the Accounting Specialists in 301C Collis. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Co-Sponsored Events

You may co-sponsor an event with other campus departments, programs and COSO groups. If you are co-sponsoring an event with another COSO group, representatives from both groups must be present at the meeting with COSO.

Your group may not co-sponsor an event with another Undergraduate Finance Committee (UFC) group. UFC groups include Programming Board, Collis Governing Board, Greek Leadership Council, Student Assembly, Club Sports, Outdoor Programs, and Class Council.