Please provide us with a pitch deck addressing the following questions. The pitch deck can come in any form: Word document or PDF; five-slide Powerpoint presentation; link to a video or website in a Word document. Submit your pitch deck to the UGA Recruitment and Selection Committee.
1) Why you?
- What three WORDS would your friends use to describe you?
- Describe a personal or professional moment in the last 2 weeks that made you proud.
- Why are you interested in being the UGA for the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community?
- Which Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship (formerly DEN) programming have you participated in?
2) What do you bring to the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community?
- What leadership experience do you bring to the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community?
- Describe how you would handle a disagreement between two roommates.
- Outline one floor meeting you would like to offer that will foster community in the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community.
- List the terms that you plan to be a UGA in the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community (20F, 21W, 21S).
3) How do you define Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Thinking?
- What have you done that is entrepreneurial?
- How do your academic interests influence your entrepreneurial outlook?
- The UGA and Entrepreneurship LLC Residents attend the Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community Dinner each Monday from 7PM-8PM in the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship. Are you able to attend this weekly dinner?
4) Provide a 150 Word Professional Bio (Google a professional bio sample. Your bio should be concise.)