Common Areas

Affected Parties

Undergrads in Residence

Policy Statement

The use of residence hall common areas is restricted to the building occupants, their guests/visitors and College-affiliated groups and organizations that have reserved a space through the building’s Assistant Director.

  • Requests to hold a registered social event should be directed to the Office of Residential Life at least three working days prior to the day of the event.
  • If an event is to include alcohol, host(s) must follow and abide by the College alcohol policy and its associated procedures. Buildings designated as substance-free cannot host events where alcohol is present.
  • Students and/or their guests may not sleep in any residence hall common areas.
  • Students found sleeping in any common areas may be subject to a fine and disciplinary action.
  • Common-area furniture must remain in the common rooms.
  • A fee may be assessed to the appropriate parties if college staff needs to move common area furniture back to its appropriate location.
  • If common-area furniture or other equipment placed in common areas for the benefit of the residents is found in a student room, the occupants of the room will face disciplinary action.
  • Common areas should not be physically modified in any way without prior approval by the Office of Residential Life.
  • Due to health and safety concerns, students are expected to keep common areas reasonably clean and orderly for community use.


  • A number of women’s bathrooms have security locks on the exterior doors. Access codes to these bathrooms will be provided to the women who reside in those buildings.
  • We encourage all members of the Dartmouth community to use the restroom that best reflects their gender identity.
  • Propping open bathroom doors that have locking mechanisms, or tampering with the lock systems, is prohibited.
  • Bathroom mirrors are to remain free of any materials. Stickers, signs, advertisements or other materials placed on mirrors in bathrooms will be removed. If an organization is found responsible for placing items on mirror surfaces, they will be charged for removal of the items and for replacement of the mirror if necessary.

Effective Date

July 1, 2015

Office of Primary Responsibility