Possible New Member Programs
- Dean’s presentation
- Hold an alumni career night
- Attend academic programs together
- Study table for PNM and members
- Big/Little Academic challenge
- Assign an academic big sister/brother
- Meyer-Briggs Test
- Know your True Colors
- Hold an etiquette program
- Plan events together
- Shadow officers
- Bring in a speaker on a leadership topic
- Develop a community volunteer service project for the chapter to be performed on a regular basis
- Partner with a local service organization/altruism to support throughout the year
- Visit local retirement center and volunteer your service to the staff, and simply spend time with the residents
- Visit the local children's hospital at DHMC and play with the children
- Donate clothing and food to local pantries and shelters
- Big/Little challenge
- Brick
- Rock climbing
- Ropes course
- Camping
- Retreat
- Volunteer projects in Hanover
- Attend events together
- Develop team-building activities
- Create a house project together
- Learn the chapter song
- Participate in intramurals
- New member shirts
- Invite a Greek leader over to speak
- Invite a member of the Office of Greek Life over to speak
- Meet with advisor
- Sponsor programs with other groups
- Have new members discuss a chapter problem and plan solutions
- Volunteer in the community
- Run a social event
- Create a member project
- Hold a recruitment workshop