Registration Open: November 12
Register Here:
Deadline to register for Winter recruitment: Tuesday, January 7th
PNM requirements must be completed by January 14th at midnight. Requirements include having completed SVPPBI2, submitted the Expectations of Membership Form and complete the StopHazing Modules.
Round 1: January 21st-23rd
Round 2: January 28th & 29th
Round 3: Friday, January 31st MRABA signing and preference setting 5pm-10pm in Goldstein 105/Occom Commons
Bid Day: Saturday, February 1st
Potential new members that are interested in joining an ISC organization must attend one ISC Information Session.
Information Session Dates for Winter 25: January 15th (Filene), 16th (Haldeman 041) and 17th (Filene) at 8pm.