ISC Recruitment

Recruitment Process

The Inter-Sorority Council typically hosts recruitment during the Fall and Winter terms, with PNM Information Sessions and pre-recruitment events for potential new members and chapters to engage with one another. To join a sorority, stay tuned for emails regarding registration.  

For individual questions or concerns, please contact: Inter-Sorority Council

Recruitment Dates

Registration Open: November 12

Register Here

Deadline to register for Winter recruitment: Tuesday, January 7th

PNM requirements must be completed by January 14th at midnight. Requirements include having completed SVPPBI2, submitted the Expectations of Membership Form and complete the StopHazing Modules.  

Round 1: January 21st-23rd

Round 2: January 28th & 29th

Round 3: Friday, January 31st MRABA signing and preference setting 5pm-10pm in Goldstein 105/Occom Commons

Bid Day: Saturday, February 1st

Potential new members that are interested in joining an ISC organization must attend one ISC Information Session.

Information Session Dates for Winter 25: January 15th (Filene), 16th (Haldeman 041) and 17th (Filene) at 8pm.

Expectations of Membership for PNMs

To join one of the Dartmouth College Greek Letter Organizations or an Undergraduate Society, you must visit this page, review the expectations of membership, acknowledge that your are in good standing with the institution and certify that you have done so. If you have questions, please email

StandUp to Hazing

StopHazing is the leader in hazing prevention research and is dedicated to building research-based educational tools, such as this course, to prevent hazing and help students build healthy groups that foster belonging and amplify well-being.

The course will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. There are knowledge check questions throughout the course and a 10-question quiz at the end, followed by an evaluation survey.

This is the link to take the anti-hazing module.

Full link:

You must click the 'I COMMIT' button at the end of the course for it to be marked as COMPLETED.