Officer Transitions


Planning- and undertaking- seamless officer transitions is imperative for organizational continuity and success. While there is no silver bullet approach on how to move through this process, here are some tips:

  • Consider a full or half day offsite Officer Transition Retreat facilitated by GLASS or an Advisor.
  • Consider electing new officers a term early so they can shadow current officers for a full term.
  • Develop and/or review your officer onboarding process. Is it effective? Intentional?
  • Save documents, guidelines, checklists, resources in a password protected shared drive.
    • Organize and label documents/folders clearly, by term/year, and remove old files. 
  • Maintain and share a document of links to important policies and resources including the GLASS web pages.
    •  Review and update internal group processes and documents as needed.
  • Maintain and share a list of organizational, campus, and alumni contacts.
  • Maintain a record or calendar of important dates and deadlines. 
  • Connect new officers with organizational advisors and GLASS.