Tapping Guidelines and Dates
Spring 25 Tapping
Each society must submit to Greek Life a list of Dartmouth students (first and last name plus netid) that they would like to Tap by Monday, March 31st.
A junior/senior will be tapped if they have completed the equivalent of six terms of scholastic credit (including transfer students), and is in good academic standing.
Single: If a junior or senior is offered a bid by only one society, then they may be tapped regardless of residence status.
Multiple: If a junior or senior is offered a bid by more than one society, then they must be in residence during that term (i.e. has an "R" on their D-Plan or physically be living in Hanover on a leave term and working at the college for example).
Tapping can take place between April 8th - April 12th.
Tapping will take place between 6:00 PM Tuesday and 12:00 midnight on Saturday/Sunday.
The tappee has until noon on Sunday the 13th of tapping weekend to decide whether or not to join a senior society and, if so, which one.
If there are conflicts or concerns regarding tapping order, the Director of Greek Life and Student Societies will determine the order through a random name draw. Otherwise, representatives are expected to be respectful, mindful and civil.
Up to two representatives from the tapping organization may be present while tapping.
The representatives may tell the tappee any appropriate information about the society: may only share the identity of one other society member if two members are tapping, or two other society members if only one member is tapping making a total of three known members at tapping.
Only the person tapping may have contact with the tappee during the 42-hour tapping period. No other society members may have contact with the tappee during this time (barring class, sports, etc.) There is to be no extensive or out of the ordinary contact with potential tappees until the tapping period is over and the tappee has made his/her decision.
Society members are forbidden from interacting with potential tappees before the official tapping weekend for the purpose of disclosing any information about the tappee's status with any society, applying direct or indirect pressure on the tappee to join a particular society, or providing any information or making any statements about another society (this includes answering questions about other societies asked by the tappee). Each society will be held responsible for any violations of this protocol and may be subject to adjudication by the Senior Society Council. The society in question, if found guilty of violating this protocol, will also be expected to take action internally against a member or members who violate the purpose or spirit of this protocol.
All tappees (single and multiple) must inform the society representatives who tapped them from each organization individually.
Societies will only know whether their tappees are single or multiple taps. Tapping representatives are forbidden from asking the tappee where else they've been tapped or who else has contacted them, but is responsible for letting the tappee know that s/he will be receiving multiple taps.
Shakeouts will only occur for double taps between Sphinx and Dragon. In this instance, Sphinx and Dragon will correspond to organize the shakeout.
Each society's representative will submit a final, alphabetized list of new members who accepted taps to the Office of Greek Life by 4pm the Monday following tapping weekend.