Phi Tau

Phi Tau is a gender-inclusive Greek society, meaning people of any and all genders are welcome. Our official motto is Unitas in Diversitate (Unity in Diversity).

About Us

Our unofficial motto is "You can if you want to, but you don't have to!" if that gives you an idea of what we're like.We have loads of fun, dry, and open-to-campus events throughout the term - ice cream parties every Sunday, murder mystery parties, craft nights, game nights, and our termly Milque and Cookies, at which we go all out with tons of different homemade cookies, and plenty of milkshakes, music, and decorations! Thinking about becoming a member? At Phi Tau, our rush system is a bit different. We have rolling rush, which means that you can rush any time, not just in the fall. It's a pretty chill process - at one of our events, just sign the book (it's got a big arrow pointing to it, can't miss it) and show up to a few more of our events in the following couple of weeks, and if we like you, you'll be invited to join the house!

  • Chapter website
  • Local, established in 1905 as Phi Sigma Kappa
  • Total members: 12
  • GPA: 3.75