Incoming Class

Congratulations on your admission to Dartmouth! We in Student Accessibility Services (SAS) look forward to engaging with incoming first-year and transfer students with disabilities. And if you have access questions about orientation, Dartmouth has you covered.

Registration Procedures & Deadlines

Once you've got your Dartmouth ID and are ready to apply for accommodations related to a disability, medical need, or other qualifying condition, please visit our Apply for Services page to fill out your SAS Application and provide any applicable disability documentation.

Although we accept applications throughout the year, to be sure that your requests are reviewed before fall term,

  1. It is recommended that disabled students requesting accommodations, particularly housing accommodations, complete our online application and attach any needed supporting documentation by June 13, 2025.
  2. After submitting your application materials, SAS will contact you via email, and you must respond to SAS' emails and requests to meet as well as potential requests for additional documentation in order for any accommodation requests to be approved.

Placement Testing & First-Year Trip Accommodations

It is also important to engage with SAS early in the summer if requesting accommodations for placement testing and/or First-Year Trips. To utilize approved testing accommodations for placement tests, please email your SAS advisor at least a week in advance of when you plan to take your placement test so that they can notify the appropriate department(s) to implement the accommodations.

Dietary and Housing Accommodations

SAS' disability verification form is broad enough that your provider(s) can complete it to illustrate the medical, mental health, or other condition-related needs you may have pertaining to on-campus housing, parking, dining, academics or other areas in order to have equal access. In addition, please see our documentation guidelines to learn if additional documentation may be appropriate based on your condition and/or accommodation requests. If you require modifications to your on-campus dining experience, please also review the dining accommodation request process.

Please note that Residential Life and billing for dining plans have their own associated deadlines that, if not met, may mean a particular dining/housing accommodation/adjustment is not available or practicable. However, as with SAS, Residential Life and Dartmouth Dining Services (DDS) attempt to meet all disability-related housing and dining needs when possible.

Additional Resources & Supports

SAS staff and students frequently interact with the following offices/resources and student organizations: