Housing Accommodations

The Office of Residential Life provides a variety of comfortable and inclusive housing options for all undergraduates. They are very responsive to students and can meet a range of needs and preferences. They are also close campus partners with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in support of students requiring disability- or health-based housing accommodations.

Application Process & Timeframe

If, due to a medical/health condition or disability, you believe that you require accommodations to your on-campus housing, please do the following:

  1. Submit your housing application by Residential Life's specified deadline, indicating that you will be requesting consideration for a medical/health/disability accommodation AND
  2. Apply for services through Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by that same deadline.
  3. After being contacted by an SAS advisor, you will need to meet to ensure that SAS has a full understanding of your current needs.

For your housing accommodation request to be complete and timely, you need to meet with an SAS advisor once they invite you to schedule. Please plan ahead in case SAS requires additional documentation or other information in support of your request.

Already applied to or registered with SAS?

If you are already registered with SAS or have previously applied with SAS, you will not be able to submit another SAS application. Instead, please contact your SAS advisor (or email student.accessibility.services@dartmouth.edu if unsure who that is) to discuss next steps. Even if you are already eligible for other accommodations, it is likely that SAS will need additional information (often gathered via a meeting and further documentation) regarding the impacts of your condition as they pertain to campus housing.

Housing Deadlines

It is essential for students to monitor their email for notifications from Residential Life to ensure that housing accommodation applications are complete by the specified deadline. This is particularly important for first-year students, who are assigned for the entire year and the opportunity to make a room change cannot be guaranteed. The D-Plan also means you need to pay more attention to housing application deadlines since students have inconsistent terms living on campus that can impact housing assignments.

Although you are welcome to apply for a housing (or other type) of disability accommodation at any time, even approved housing accommodations cannot be guaranteed if made after published deadlines. Nevertheless, SAS and Residential Life strive to meet all needs for reasonable accommodations, even when made after deadlines.

Housing Accommodation Implementation & Limitations

After students have met with an SAS advisor and SAS has reviewed their request, SAS will email the determination (an approval, partial approval, or denial) to the student and copy Residential Life. If approved for a housing accommodation, Residential Life will email you within 1-2 weeks to follow up regarding implementation of your accommodation. Depending on the timing of your approval, your accommodation may not be available until a future term.

Emotional Support Animals

Additional planning time is required for students requesting emotional support animals, as nearby students with known allergies or other contraindicated conditions need to be considered. Please see emotional support animals in campus housing for more information about the request process, timeframe, and documentation process.

Off-Campus Program Housing

As highlighted in housing accommodation approval emails, housing accommodations apply only to Dartmouth housing. If you are requesting housing (or other) accommodations in the context of an off-campus program, this will require a separate review with your SAS advisor that takes into consideration the requirements of your off-campus program. Please contact your SAS advisor at least one full quarter prior to your planned departure.

Other Housing Requests

Room/Building Maintenance Requests

Occasionally, students experience maintenance-related difficulties (such as a clogged toilet or key access or heating/cooling issues) with their room or building. While these concerns may be more time-sensitive for students with certain conditions, students should prioritize attempting to have the issue fixed. Students experiencing maintenance issues should call 603 646-1203 or email Residential Operations (also called Work Control). After business hours on weekends, they should call Troubleshooters at 603-646-2344.

Religious Accommodations

Students seeking religious housing accommodations should follow the process outlined on Residential Life's site.

Temporary Relocation due to COVID-Positive Roommate

Students with qualifying medical conditions and a COVID-positive roommate may be eligible to temporarily relocate if they complete the linked form.