Do I need an evaluation?
If you have a history of a learning, language, attention, autism spectrum, and/or related disorder and are requesting accommodations and services through SAS or planning on requesting them on the MCAT, GMAT, LSAT or in graduate school, you may need to get an (updated) evaluation. Please share your current documentation and consult with SAS regarding eligibility for SAS services prior to seeking an evaluation.
If you have not previously received academic accommodations (such as extra testing time) or services in earlier schooling but think you may need them at Dartmouth for an undiagnosed learning, attention, or other disorder, an evaluation may be appropriate. In particular, if your concerns are related to learning disorders (such as dyslexia), second language acquisition, or autism spectrum disorder, an evaluation will likely be required for accommodations.
If your concerns are around attention/focus/procrastination/impulsivity, please contact Counseling Services at or (603) 646-9442 to schedule an attention screening. They can provide a multi-appointment, abbreviated evaluation costing between $0 - $30 that, if appropriate, may result in diagnosis of ADHD, medication management (if desired), and/or documentation that may qualify you for academic accommodations through Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Alternatively, Counseling may recommend a full evaluation.
You should be prepared that an evaluation may (or may not) find a disorder, or that it could identify a different condition from the one you had anticipated.