Inclusive Events Checklist

Making events more accessible benefits everyone!  SAS and the Center for Professional Development have created an  Inclusive Events Checklist to help support our inclusive and accessible programming efforts.  Feel free to download the Inclusive Events Checklist, and find guidance below.

Planning & Preparation

  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure the venue is wheelchair accessible, with ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms
  • Date and Time: Avoid scheduling events on major religious or cultural holidays to the best of our ability
  • Inclusive Language: Use inclusive language in all communications and promotional materials

Registration and Attendee Support

  • Accommodation Requests: Include a section on the registration page for attendees to request accommodations
  • Diverse Dietary Options: Offer a variety of dietary options, including vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and halal/kosher.  Be sure to always label food

Event Setup

  • Seating Arrangements: Provide flexible seating options to accommodate different needs
  • Signage: Use clear and visible signage with large fonts and high contrast colors

During the Event

  • Accessible Presentations: Ensure all presentations are accessible, with large fonts and high-contrast colors. Test in advance.  Ensure presenter can be heard and seen by all (incorporate microphone and/or screens when in doubt)
  • Live Captioning: Provide real-time captioning for all spoken content

Other Recommended Best Practices

  • Policy Review: Regularly review and update these event policies to reflect best practices in inclusion and accessibility
  • Diverse Planning Committee: Include people from various backgrounds in planning to ensure diverse perspectives
  • Reach Diverse Audiences: Use various platforms and networks to reach different communities (Student Organizations, Vox Daily, OPAL, Academic Departments)
  • Clear Information: Clearly communicate the event's accessibility features and accommodations
  • Multilingual Materials: Be able to provide promotional materials in multiple languages, if requested
  • Sign Language Interpreters: Arrange for sign language interpreters, if needed
  • Personal Assistants: Allow personal assistants to attend at no extra charge
  • Inclusive Introductions: Encourage speakers and facilitators to introduce themselves with their pronouns
  • Quiet Spaces: Designate quiet areas for attendees who may need a break from sensory overload
  • Inclusive Environment: Foster an environment where all attendees feel welcome, respected, and valued