Injuries & Temporary Conditions

Temporary Conditions vs. Disabilities

Temporary conditions such as injuries (including concussions), surgeries, or acute illnesses are generally not regarded as disabilities. However, the College recognizes that temporary conditions that occur during the school year may adversely affect a student's ability to fully participate in class and may occasionally warrant the provision of temporary academic adjustments or other supports.

What Should I Do?

Please review the table below, which highlights strategies and resources that may provide immediate support for someone who is temporarily incapacitated with one of several common conditions, including COVID infection. In addition,

  • Student-athletes with temporary medical conditions or injuries are encouraged to contact DP2 Academics for additional support.
  • Interim measures requested related to routine pregnancy or an active Title IX case should be directed to the Title IX office.

If you are registered with SAS and the recommendations on this page do not address your needs, please connect with your SAS Advisor (their contact information and links are available on your A11y homepage)

If you are NOT registered with SAS, and the recommendations on this page do not address your needs, complete the Temporary Condition Assistance Request Form. You will receive a response within 2-3 weekdays from a staff member who can coordinate appropriate support.

Common Challenges & Solutions

Potential Issues Due To Temporary Conditions


Missed Class, Deadlines, or Exams

Many of the academic concerns that arise related to short-term conditions, such as additional absences, missed deadlines, or missed exams, should be addressed through communication between students and their professors. As stated in Dartmouth College's Academic Honor Principle, the faculty recognize "the responsibility of students for their own education, [and] assume intellectual honesty and integrity in the performance of academic assignments, both in the classroom and outside." 

Taking exams

If your temporary condition warrants exam considerations, discuss what considerations you may need with your professor. If your professor prefers to work through SAS, you will need to register with SAS.  SAS may then be able to administer an exam with temporary adjustments if your professor cannot.


SAS recommends asking a friend for copies of their notes or downloading the 30-day trial of Glean.  Glean allows the user to record and link the audio to PowerPoint slides, reducing the amount of writing and/or typing necessary in notetaking.


Windows Speech Recognition and Mac Dictation are built-in speech recognition options that offer sufficient alternatives to writing or typing on a temporary basis.

Within Google Docs, try using the tool "Voice typing". Within Word, try using the tool "Dictate". Simply press the microphone button to turn the recording on or off as needed.


Kurzweil 3000, Read & Write, and SensusAccess are applications that can read text aloud. All are provided free to anyone with a Dartmouth NetID.

Reducing Eye Strain/Migraines

Consider adjusting the brightness, blue light levels, or using dark mode settings on all your devices. You can do this through your settings/system preferences.

Utilize speech-to-text or text-to-speech as outlined in the Typing and Reading rows of this table, eliminating the need to look at the screen for some tasks. Write out your thoughts on paper first, and then dictate to your computer to reduce production time using the screen.

Consider buying blue-light filtering glasses from major online retailers or through your Opticitian should you desire prescription lenses.

When using Safari on a Mac to read websites such as news articles, in the address bar there will be a "reader view" icon (when it is supported). When you click on this icon, it will change the content to be mostly or all text (no bright, flashing images, auto-playing videos, etc.), and will use any "dark mode" preferences you have set up, thus reducing the types of light on white backgrounds. When you are done, simply click on the reader view icon and you will return to the website.

Res Hall Room Access

The Office of Residential Life may be able to assist in having your on-campus room relocated to enhance accessibility (subject to availability).

Students on campus during summer terms who are experiencing discomfort due to heat can review Cooling Resources for strategies to minimize discomfort.


Advanced Transit buses and Dartmouth shuttles are free and accessible resources for getting around campus. The Dartmouth/Hanover Shuttle and Blue Line circle campus regularly Monday through Friday; and you can use the Transit App to get real-time information about when the next bus to your destination will arrive.

Door-to-door MobiliD rides are available for up to two weeks through Transportation Services (or longer if needed, and authorized by Health Services). If you believe that MobiliD rides may not meet all of your needs, complete the Temporary Condition Assistance Request Form for further consideration.

Mobility Aids

Dartmouth College Health Service may have mobility aids available to students for a small fee. Please contact them for further assistance.

Course Load

Work with your professors to identify agreeable adjustments. Students with temporary conditions also sometimes need to consider applying for a medical leave of absence through the Undergraduate Deans Office until their condition has improved.

Need something else?

If none of the above resources seem applicable to you, the Undergraduate Dean's Office is available to provide guidance with personal and academic concerns.

To Register or Not to Register with SAS?

If SAS is in a position to assist, or you feel your symptoms warrant consideration beyond that which may have already been provided, you will need to register with SAS. This entails completing our online application and uploading with your application information regarding your condition from a qualified professional. COVID long-haulers are recommended to register with SAS.

Even if professors or TAs are addressing your arrangements themselves, professors may ask you to register with SAS so that we are in a position to make recommendations for reasonable adjustments. If you have a temporary injury or other condition and would like to consult with SAS, please email us or call 603-646-9900.