Canceling or Rescheduling Exams

If you have decided not to take an exam in the A11y Testing Center after you have scheduled it, please log into A11y to cancel it.

If illness or an emergency makes you unable to take your scheduled exam, please cancel your exam request and notify your professor.

Step-by-step instructions for canceling or rescheduling exams can be found below.

Rescheduling a missed exam is the student's responsibility, but this must be done in collaboration with and approval from your professor.

Step 2 - Navigate to Alternative Testing

From the "My Accommodations" menu on the left, select "Alternative Testing"


image showing the "My Accommodations" menu (a box with a green header and light gray background) with the Alternative Testing link highlighted.

Step 3 - Locate the Scheduled Exam

Scroll down to "UPCOMING EXAM REQUEST(S) FOR THE CURRENT TERM" and locate the exam you wish to cancel or modify.


A white box with a bold header, listing details for a scheduled exam beneath it

Step 4 - Click on Modify Request or Cancel Request

To the right of the exam details, click "Modify Request" to change or reschedule an existing exam request, or click "Cancel Request" to cancel it

Step 5 - Change Exam Details and Click "Update Exam Request"

Enter updated information, and click the "Update Exam Request" button to submit the request


screenshot shows the "Exam Detail" box with the "Update Exam Request" button below