Application Process & Timeframe
If, due to a medical/health condition or disability, you believe that you require accommodations to your on-campus housing, please do the following:
- Submit your housing application by Residential Life's specified deadline, indicating that you will be requesting consideration for a medical/health/disability accommodation AND
- Apply for services through Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by that same deadline.
- Your provider will likely want to use SAS' Verification Form to share details about your condition(s) and related impacts, but it is also a good idea to review SAS' disability documentation guidelines.
- After being contacted by an SAS advisor, you will need to meet to ensure that SAS has a full understanding of your current needs.
For your housing accommodation request to be complete and timely, you need to meet with an SAS advisor once they invite you to schedule. Please plan ahead in case SAS requires additional documentation or other information in support of your request.
Already applied to or registered with SAS?
If you are already registered with SAS or have previously applied with SAS, you will not be able to submit another SAS application. Instead, please contact your SAS advisor (or email if unsure who that is) to discuss next steps. Even if you are already eligible for other accommodations, it is likely that SAS will need additional information (often gathered via a meeting and further documentation) regarding the impacts of your condition as they pertain to campus housing.