Notetaking Technologies

SAS may also offer students who are approved to audio-record the Glean application and/or Smartpens.

Prior to audio-recording class, SAS and the student will notify their instructors. If requested, SAS can provide instructors with a copy of the Fair Use Agreement, which qualifying students are required to sign each quarter, as well as discuss any questions or concerns about recording class content.


Glean is a web-based notetaking program that allows for the user to sync audio with their notes and/or lecture slides. Notes and reactions appear in an easy to follow time-line style. This is a web-based program that works on or off-line, and syncs continually. It may require a student to use their laptop, tablet, and/or phone. We monitor usage of and access to this program through assigning a student a license each term that it is needed.

Although Glean offers an AI-generated transcript feature, SAS has not activated this feature.


We offer various smartpens made by Livescribe to students approved for recording audio during lecture as an accommodation. These pens require special ink and notebooks, and allow for students to sync audio to their handwritten notes. After class, students can pinpoint where they would like to review or expand their notes by tapping on the handwritten notes for corresponding audio playback. 

For more information, please view these brief videos by Glean and Livescribe. Our Assistive Technology staff is also happy to briefly demonstrate these tools to instructors or students via Zoom or in person. If interested, please schedule a time via Calendly