Dartmouth research funding

There may be funding options on campus for undergraduate research that are not included on this list

Undergraduate Research Funding

Academic Departments and Programs
Some academic departments and programs have funding for student research projects. Contact individual departments and programs for further information.

Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy & Society
Funding for energy related research and internships.

Class of '74 Health Equity Scholars
Funding for undergraduates interested in a faculty-mentored research experience that provides deeper insights into how health equity research can be undertaken across a broad swath of academic disciplines.

Computer Science Lovelace Research Program
Funding for undergraduates engaged in research with a computer-science faculty mentor.

Dickey Center
Funding for individuals to undertake internationally-focused experiences and/or to recognize the exemplary achievements in the realm of global studies.

E.E. Just Program
Program that seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minorities at Dartmouth who choose to pursue degrees and careers in STEM disciplines.

Ethics Institute
Research on applied or professional ethics

First-Year Research in Engineering
Research opportunities for first-year students considering engineering as a major.

Hopkins Center
Funding for student projects in the visual and performing arts.

Institute of Arctic Studies Stefansson Fellowship
Funding for students interested in Arctic Studies to engage in Arctic research.

Leslie Humanities Center Student Research Fellowships
Faculty-supervised research or creative projects in the humanities.

Library: Historical Accountability Student Research Program
Research that sheds light on Dartmouth's historical legacy. Open to all Dartmouth undergraduates, regardless of major or former research experience. 

Neukom Scholars
Research involving computational techniques in any academic discipline.

Outdoor Programs
Research on the environment and natural sciences.

Paganucci Fellows
Global experiential learning program through the Center for Leadership at the Tuck School of Business.

Program in Law and Politics
Student fellowships and assistantships to work with faculty on research projects. Submit a two-page single-spaced project description, a letter of nomination from a faculty member, and a detailed budget to Program in Law & Politics, HB 6108. For more information, contact Professor Dean Lacy.

Rockefeller Center
Senior honors thesis grants and special grants for research related to public policy.

Student Experiential Learning Fund (SELF)
Funding for internships, job shadowing, non-Dartmouth research opportunities, service experiences, conference travel and presentations, professional and leadership training.

Thayer School of Engineering

TDI (The Dartmouth Institute)
Health Equity Pathways

Undergraduate Advising & Research
Multiple programs for funding research in any academic discipline.

Women in Science Project
Part-time research assistantships in the sciences (primarily for first-year students; some opportunities for sophomores)