Apply for Services

Welcome! We look forward to working with you. Information about applying for accommodations and services with SAS is summarized below.

Registering with Our Office

Please complete the following steps:

  1. Complete and submit our online application.
  2. Review our documentation guidelines as well as those that pertain to your specific condition(s). You can upload documentation with your application, fax it to us at 603-646-3727, or email it to SAS.
    • One means of providing documentation is to ask your current provider to complete our online SAS Disability Verification Form; however, this form is generally not needed if you are submitting a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation report. For non-Dartmouth providers who complete the SAS Verification Form, the form must be accompanied by a short letter on letterhead signed by the professional, which can be uploaded to the online SAS Verification Form.
  3. Within two weeks of completing steps 1 and 2, an SAS advisor will contact you to schedule a meeting to discuss academic adjustments and services or to request additional information. (If you believe both steps have been completed and more than two weeks have passed, email us or call 603-646-9900.)

Even if you do not have disability documentation, you can still complete our online application and meet with an SAS advisor to discuss possible next steps.

Notes about registering

You should plan for the process of registering with SAS or renewing accommodations requiring updated documentation to take at least two weeks from the time you have completed step 2 above. If further documentation is needed or you are not enrolled in classes when you apply for SAS services, the process will take longer.

Along these lines and because it is important to provide reasonable notice to professors, requests for accommodations after week 8 may not be able to take effect until the following quarter. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Services will vary from student to student. We need to be able to substantiate how each service is needed to achieve equal opportunity and how it relates to your disability. The most important factors are your experience, documentation, and the legitimate requirements and standards of classes, programs, and activities for which our services are authorized.